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Using variables in prediction dataset file names

When creating new prediction datasets in Qlik AutoML, you can use time-based variables in prediction dataset file names. This is particularly helpful when creating scheduled predictions, in order to differentiate many files automatically being generated from the same ML deployment.

  1. In the prediction configuration pane, select Prediction dataset > Name prediction dataset.

  2. When typing a name, enclose the variable you want to use in a double set of curly braces. You can use multiple instances of curly braces in a single file name, and multiple variables can be used in a single instance.

    For example, to use the month, day, and year variables in a prediction dataset name, you can type:

    Prediction - {{MM-DD-YYYY}}

  3. Select a space and click Confirm.

Variables supported in file names for prediction datasets

The following variables can be used to incorporate dynamic naming of prediction datasets. These characters will only be interpreted as variables when you use the double set of curly braces around them, as indicated above.

  • Day

    • DD: day characters

  • Month

    • M: month one character

    • MM: month two characters

  • Year

    • YY: numeric year (short)

    • YYYY: numeric year (long)

  • Week day

    • W: day number of week

    • WW: day number of week (two characters)

  • Week

    • w: week number

  • Quarter (calendar year only)

    • Q: quarter character

  • Time

    • hh: hour number

    • mm: minute number

    • ss: second number

    • ff: fraction of second

  • Timestamp

    • X: unix timestamp

    • x: unix millisecond timestamp

      Information note In timestamps for dynamic prediction dataset file names, the evaluated time always appears in GMT.

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