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Installing Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows on a server with Qlik DataTransfer installed

You can install Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows on a server that already has Qlik DataTransfer installed.

  1. In Windows Services, stop the Qlik DataTransfer service.

  2. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Qlik\DataTransfer\DataUpload\certificate and delete the certificates in the folder.
  3. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Qlik\DataTransfer\DataUploadService\install-utils.

  4. Run Remove-Certificate.ps1 in PowerShell as administrator

  5. In the Windows Certificate Store, please verify that the following certificates are removed:

    • Local Computer > Personal > QdtClient

    • Local Computer > Trusted Root Certification Authority > <hostname.domain> or <hostname>

    • Current user > Personal > QdtClient

  6. Install Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows.

    Installing Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows

  7. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Qlik\DataTransfer\DataUploadService\install-utils.

  8. Run Configure-Service.ps1 in PowerShell as the Qlik Sense services user.

    1. For the first input dataTransferCertificatePath, enter C:\ProgramData\Qlik\DataTransfer\DataUpload\certificate.

    2. For the second input qsefwPresent, enter Yes.

  9. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Qlik\DataTransfer\DataUpload\certificate and confirm the following files are present:

    • root.pfx

    • client.pfx

    • server.pfx

  10. Start the Qlik DataTransfer service

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