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Reserved column names

The following section lists the reserved column names. If the any of the discovered tables contain columns with these names, you need to rename them in Compose. For information on renaming columns, see Managing attributes.

  • BIR_MAPPING_NR - internal mapping identifier used in staging tables for ETL
  • ROWNR - internal row identifier used in staging tables for ETL
  • RUNNO_INSERT - The task run number for INSERT operations.
  • RUNNO_UPDATE - The task run number for UPDATE operations.
  • OBSOLETE__INDICATION - Used to mark OBSOLETE records in data mart objects. See also: The "Obsolete" indicator
  • TR_ID - The unique Transaction ID for a fact table record.
  • BID_OCCS - Internal column used in ETL processing.
  • FD - This column is added to tables that contain attributes (columns) with a History Type 2. The column is used to delimit the range of dates for a given record version. The column name can be changed in the project settings.

    Information noteIf you change the "From Date" name in the project settings, the new name will become a reserved word.
  • TD - This column is added to tables that contain attributes (columns) with a History Type 2. The column is used to delimit the range of dates for a given record version. The column name can be changed in the project settings.

    Information noteIf you change the "To Date" name in the project settings, the new name will become a reserved word.
  • FKNR - Foreign key number column used in logging tables to report missing references captured via the data warehouse ETL

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