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Validating the metadata and storage

Once the table metadata has been generated, to prevent data inconsistency issues, it is strongly recommended to check the validity of the metadata and the Storage Zone. For example, for the metadata to be valid, each of the tables must have a Business Key.

Information note

Validating the metadata does not recalculate expressions for historical data that has changed.

To validate the metadata:

  1. Click the Validate button in the bottom right of the Metadata panel.

    Compose will run validation checks and identify any entities which are not valid.

    If the metadata is valid, the following message will be displayed:

    Validation tests completed successfully. No issues were detected.

    If the metadata is not valid, the Validating Storage Zone window opens. This window is divided into the following columns:

    • Severity: Warning or Error.
    • Message: A message indicating why the entity is invalid.
    • Names: The names of the affected entities.
    • Resolve: To open the Manage Metadata window and manually resolve the issue, click the Edit Entities button.
  2. Resolve the issue (for example, by adding a Business Key) and then click Close.

    The Validate Metadata window will open.

  3. Click the Refresh button in the top left corner.

    A message will confirm the metadata’s validity.

  4. Click Close to exit the window.

To validate the Storage Zone:

  1. Click the Validate button in the bottom right of the Storage Zone panel, or select Validate from the drop-down menu in the top right of the Storage Zone panel.
  2. Compose will run a series of validation checks and the Validating the Storage window opens.

    If the Storage Zone metadata is not valid, the following message will be displayed:

    The metadata is not valid.

    If the Storage Zone is valid, the following message will be displayed:

    The Storage Zone is valid.

    If the metadata in the Manage Metadata window is not the same as the Storage Zone metadata, the following message will be displayed:

    The Storage Zone is different from the metadata.

  3. This step is only applicable if the Storage Zone metadata differs from the metadata in Compose. Review the report in the Metadata and Storage Comparison Report window and then do one of the following:

    • If all the changes can be adjusted automatically, do one of the following according to your configuration::

      • Click Adjust Automatically. The Adjust Storage Zone progress window opens. When the "The Storage Zone was adjusted successfully." message is displayed, close the window.
      • If the Generate DDL scripts but do not run them option is set, click Generate Adjust Script.
      Information note

      Automatic adjust supports ADD ENTITY, DROP ENTITY, and ADD ATTRIBUTE (if it's the last attribute in the entity) only.

    • If some or none of the changes cannot be adjusted automatically, the Adjust Automatically button will not be shown. In this case, do one of the following according to your configuration:
      • Click Drop and Recreate Tables. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Click Yes. The Dropping Storage Tables window opens. When the "The Storage Zone tables were dropped and recreated successfully." message is shown, close the window.
      • If the Generate DDL scripts but do not run them option is set, click Generate DDL Script.

    When you click Generate Adjust Script or Generate DDL Script, the Generate DDL Scripts window opens showing the progress of the script generation.

    The generated scripts will be saved to:


    Once the script(s) have been generated, close the Generate DDL Scripts window.


    When working with a Hive-based compute platform, after you close the Generate DDL Scripts window, the DDL Script Files window opens automatically displaying the generated scripts. The DDL Script Files window provides a read-only view that allows you to review the scripts and download them.


    The scripts need to be executed directly in your Storage Zone. Make sure that any modifications that you make to the scripts are done prior to executing them.

    Information note

    When you run the adjust scripts, backup tables are created from the existing tables. The backup table names are appended with an "_old" suffix and must be deleted manually after the script completes.

    Information note

    Search for "TODO" in the script to locate the part of the script that needs modifying.

  4. Close any open validation windows.

See also: Supported characters.

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