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Importing the Project Configuration

You can use the Compose CLI to import the configuration settings of an existing project. This includes Data Zone definitions, scheduling jobs, and notifications. This is helpful, for example, when you need to migrate configuration settings from a test environment to the production environment. For information about migrating projects, see Migrating projects from the test environment to the production environment.

Information note

Before you can import the project configuration, you must first run the import_project_repository command described in Importing a project.

Command syntax:

ComposeCli.exe import_project_repository_config --project project_name --infile input_file [--password password] [--is_without_credentials]


Parameter Description
--project The name of the project.
--infile The full path to the input file, including the file name. This file is in JSON format (e.g. C:\file.json).

The password specified with the password parameter during export.

For instructions on changing the master user password, see Changing the master user password.

See also: Moving projects from the test environment to the production environment and Import/export scenarios - When is a password required?

--is_without_credentials Use this parameter to specify to import the project settings without the encrypted fields. In this case, you will need to manually enter the project's Landing Zone and Storage Zone passwords in the Data Zone Connection settings.


ComposeCli.exe import_project_repository_config --project MyProject --infile file.json --password MyPassword

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