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Lineage and impact analysis

Before editing an entity or attribute, you may want to see which other entities/attributes in the entity’s/attribute’s lineage will be impacted by the change. For example, removing the "Discount" attribute from a table will affect the "Total Price". Additionally, a single attribute may have different names depending on its location.

Places where you can view lineage in Compose:

Information note

Top-level entities in the data mart fact will not be shown in the lineage. For example, if both the Orders and Order Details entities are used in a Fact, the Model lineage for Orders will show Order Details but not Orders.

  1. Click the Manage button in the bottom left of the Model panel.

    The Manage Model window opens.

  2. Display the lineage as described below:
Lineage procedures
To Do This

Show an entity’s lineage

Select the entity and select Show Lineage from the drop-down menu in the Entity toolbar.

Show an attribute’s lineage

Select the attribute and click the Show Lineage button in the Attribute toolbar.


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