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Managing the model

You can manage the model according to your needs, as described in the following topics:

There are two ways of editing a model in Compose:

  • In the Manage Model window - Editing the model in the Manage Model window is preferable if you need to make several changes to the model as it provides access to all of the model’s entities and attributes. To display the results of your changes, open the Model Display window as described in Displaying the model.
  • From the Model Display - Editing the model from the Model Display window is convenient if you only need to edit one or two entities. Another advantage of this method is that it allows you to see the result of your changes (in the entity relationship diagram) immediately.
  1. Click the Manage button at the bottom left of the Model panel or click the Entities link in the Model panel.

    The Manage Model window opens.

  2. Edit the model according to the descriptions below.
  1. Open the Model Display window as described in Displaying the model.
  2. Double-click the entity you want to edit.

    The Manage Model window opens.

  3. Edit the model according to the descriptions below.

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