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Viewing and downloading log files

In Enterprise Manager, you can view different types of log files:

  • Replicate Server log files (repsrv.log): Retrieved from the monitored Replicate server.
  • Replicate Task log files (reptask_<task_name>.log): Retrieved from the monitored Replicate server.
  • Compose Server log files (Compose.log): Retrieved from the monitored Compose server.
  • Compose Agent log files (Compose.log): Retrieved from the monitored Compose server. When selecting a task associated with a Compose for Spark project, you can also view the Compose job files in the Spark History Server as described below.
  • Compose task log files (<n>.log): Retrieved from the monitored Compose server.

  • Operations log files (EnterpriseManager.log): Created by and managed in Enterprise Manager.
  • Analytics log files (aemanalytics.log): Created by the Enterprise Manager Analytics processes.
  1. Do one of the following to open the Log Viewer:

    • For server log files: In the Servers list, select a server and click View Logs above the list.

      Information note

      This option is only available for servers that are connected.

    • For Compose and Replicate task log files: In the Tasks list, select a task and click View Logs above the list.

      Information note

      This option is only available for tasks associated with connected servers.

      When selecting a task associated with a Compose for Spark project, a View Spark History Server link appears at the bottom of the window. Clicking the link will open a window displaying the Compose Spark jobs.

      Information note

      If you encounter an access error when clicking the View Spark History Server link, try one or both of the following:

      • Add an entry to the client host file that maps the Spark History Server host name to its externally accessible IP address.

      • Open the necessary firewall ports to allow Enterprise Manager to access the Spark History Server.

    • For Operations log files: Click the View Logs icon in the top right corner. Then select Operations from the Log Files drop-down list in the top left of the window.

      Information note

      You can also view log files for messages in the Message Center. The View Logs option is available for all messages reported by Enterprise Manager, for messages reported by a server that is connected, and for tasks pertaining to a server that is connected.

    • For Analytics log files: Click the View Logs icon in the top right corner. Then select Analytics from the Log Files drop-down list in the top left of the window.
  2. In the Log Viewer window, in the Log Files pane on the left, select the log file you want to view.

    The content of the log file is displayed in the right pane. When you select a row in the log file, a tooltip displays the full message of the selected row.

  3. Browse through the log file using the scroll bar on the right.
  4. To search for a specific string in the log file, enter the search string in the search box at the top of the window.

    Any terms that match the specified string are highlighted blue. The number of matches is displayed next to the search box. You can use the navigation errors to move to the first, next, previous, or last occurrence of the search string.

  5. To start a new log file, click Roll Log File.

    The log file gets saved with a 12-digit timestamp appended to its name, such as EnterpriseManager_160619073410.log or repsrv_160703131920.log.

    Information note

    This option is not available for Compose log files.

    Information note

    This option is not available when you open the Log Viewer window from the Message Center.

  6. Click Close.
  • In the Log Viewer window, select the log file you want to download and click the Download Log File icon at the top right.

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