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Upgrading Enterprise Manager

The upgrade process also describes how to back up the Enterprise Manager "data" folder, which will allow you to restore your settings if you encounter any issues with the upgrade.

To upgrade Enterprise Manager:

  1. Back up your currently installed version, by copying the Enterprise Manager data folder to a location outside the product folder. The default data folder location is C:\Program Files\Attunity\Enterprise Manager\data.
  2. Run the Enterprise Manager setup wizard to install the new version.
  3. If you notice an issue with the upgrade, you can revert to the previous version as described below or do the following:

    1. Stop all the Enterprise Manager services.
    2. Overwrite the data folder with the data folder that you backed up earlier.
    3. Start all the Enterprise Manager services.

Reverting to a Previous Version

To revert to a previous version:

  1. Back up the Enterprise Manager data directory to a location outside the product folder.
  2. Uninstall the product and then reinstall to the same directory.
  3. Once the installation is complete, stop all Enterprise Manager services.
  4. Overwrite the data directory with the data directory that you backed up earlier.
  5. Start all Enterprise Manager services.

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