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Installing Qlik Enterprise Manager using the Setup Wizard

The following section describes how to install Enterprise Manager.

  1. Run the Enterprise Manager setup file (QlikEnterpriseManager_<version.build>_<systemtype>.exe, such as QlikEnterpriseManager_7.0.0.105_X64.exe).

    The Enterprise Manager setup wizard opens.

  2. Optionally, change the installation directory; then click Next.
  3. Optionally, change the data directory; then click Next.

    All of the data that is created when you use Enterprise Manager is stored in a directory called data. By default, this directory is located in the installation directory where you install Enterprise Manager.

    Information note

    If you change the data directory location, you must prefix all command line actions with:

    -d path_to_the_data_directory


    <product_dir>\bin\AemCtl.exe -d F:\data configuration set -a

  4. Click Next again to start the installation.
  5. When the installation completes, click Finish.

    As part of the installation, a new Windows Service called Enterprise Manager is created.

    The Enterprise Manager analytics module require a PostgreSQL database. If you plan on using this module, you will need to install PostgreSQL on either the Enterprise Manager machine or on a machine that is accessible from Enterprise Manager.

    For your convenience, PostgreSQL is included with Enterprise Manager and you will be prompted to install it after clicking Finish.

  6. Click Yes to install PostgreSQL on the Enterprise Manager server or No to exit without installing PostgreSQL. You can always install PostgreSQL at a later time by running the PostgreSQL installer from the following location:


    For instructions on installing and maintaining PostgreSQL, refer to the PostgreSQL Help.

  7. Open the Enterprise Manager console as described in Starting to work with the Qlik Enterprise Manager Console.

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