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Location service

A location service translates from a name to coordinates. There are different types of geometry services, either file based of server based. Also there are some provided by Qlik by default.

Location server

The default location service is a server based service with a great number of points and areas for various named features. Typically for countries, states, other regions, cities, postal codes etc. Where there are well established codes, for instance for countries, both the code or the name can be used. There are also names in multiple languages for many features.

The format that a name should be specified at is:



  • name - the name of the feature that should be looked up
  • type - the type of name or type followed by * to match several types, see below for available types
  • admin2code - the region to find the name in
  • admin1code - the first order division, such as state, to find the name in
  • countrycode - the two or three letter ISO country code to find the name in

The type may as an alternative be specified directly after name instead of last if that is more convenient.

Type names are ordered hierarchically and a star (*) can be used last in the type to match multiple types. Here is a short description of available types:

Available types in GeoAnalytics for Qlik Sense
Simple type Detailed type Description Areas
CONTINENT LCONT continent name None
COUNTRY ­ APCL* country name All
COUNTRYISO2 XCISO2 ISO 3166­1 alpha­2 code All
COUNTRYISO3 XCISO3 ISO 3166­1 alpha­2 code All
ADMIN1 ­ AADM1 first order administrative division Some (almost all)
STATE ­ - alias for ADMIN1 -
ADMIN2 ­ AADM2 second order administrative division Some
ADMIN3 ­ AADM3 third order administrative division Some
ADMIN4 ­ AADM4 fourth order administrative division -
POSTALCODE ­ XPC postal code Some
ZIP ­ - alias for POSTALCODE Some
CITY ­ P* city name, to only get a specific type of cities use:PPPLC – capitalPPPLG - seat of governmentPPPLA - seat of first order division None
AIRPORTIATA ­ XIATA airport IATA code None

There is a priority associated with an entry. When a name matches multiple entries the name with the highest priority is chosen. When there are several matching items with the same highest priority this is indicated with reply status "ambiguous" (2).

The following is the city Hamburg in Germany:


and this is Hamburg in Sweden:


If you actually wanted the first order administrative area in Germany named Hamburg you also need to specify a type:


You can also specify multiple areas when needed. For instance in USA there are many Hamburg. To get the one in Arkansas specify:


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