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Data sources that can be used with operations in the Qlik GeoAnalytics connector.


Access to tables in databases. Only available in GeoAnalytics Plus version or if enabled in local Qlik GeoAnalytics Enterprise Server installations.

Note that the JDBC driver for the particular database you access must be available to GeoAnalytics. See the Installation Instructions for GeoAnalytics Plus for further instructions.

Parameters for Database

Url in jdbc format.

Example for PostgreSQL:


Example for MySQL:


Note that the JDBC driver for the particular database you access must be available to GeoAnalytics. See the Installation Instructions for GeoAnalytics Plus for further instructions.

Userdefault: User name.
Passworddefault: Password.
Tabledefault: The table to load. One of Table or SQL must be specified. This parameter is ignored if SQL is specified.

Optional SQL statement to execute. If specified then the Table parameter is ignored. Note that when reading geometries from a database they can in most databases be returned on WKT format. The following example formats a column called g in WKT format:

SELECT id, name, st_astext(geometry) as g FROM road WHERE roadclass=0
Key Fieldstringdefault: The name of the field that contains identities for each geometry. If you leave the field empty a key field will be generated.
Geometry Fieldstringdefault: Name of the geometry field if any. As an alternative to a geometry a column with names of well known names of points or areas may be specified, "Geometry Type" below. If point data is in two fields then specify name of latitude field comma name of longitude field. Geometries may be specified as WKT. Points are otherwise specified as "[longitude,latitude]". A line is an array of points like "[[longitude,latitude],[longitude,latitude],...]". A polygon is an array of closed lines or array of array of closed lines in case of multi-polygons.
Geometry Typedefault:WKT Type of geometry in the Geometry Field. Allowed values are WKT, Point, Line, Polygon, Location Named Point and Location Named Area. In case of named points or areas, the geometry is looked up in the location service and a column for the geometry is added. Also columns for country, type, administrative areas are added as in the Standard areas and Points dataset.
Location ID Suffixstring For advanced user. The specified string is appended to all IDs. This is a convenient way to specify more information to server based location services such as country code or type. The alternative is to append the extra data when loading the table into Qlik. With the following suffix all items are specified to be cities in Sweden:
See Geometry Service Specification for more information on syntax to use.
CRSstringdefault:Auto CRS of the data to load. The data will be projected from this CRS to WGS84 (EPSG:4326) before being loaded into the app.

If set to Auto then EPSG:4326 (WGS84) is used.

File based geo dataset

Different kinds of geographical file formats like GeoJSON and Shape.
Parameters for File based geo dataset
URL The URL of the file containing the data. URLs with file-protocol are normally not allowed. In a local customer installation it may be allowed. When login is required for accessing the URL, user and password can be specified in the URL like this: http://username:password@hostname/.
Key Fieldstringdefault: The name of the field that contains identities for each geometry. If you leave the field empty a key field will be generated.
File Typestringdefault:Auto The type of file. Allowed values are:
  • Auto - Tries to detect the file type from the name of the file.
  • GeoJSON - The GeoJSON format as specified by geojson.org.
  • GML - For reading GML files or connecting to WFS services. Reads featureCollection files and makes one row of each featureMember element.
  • ESRI Shape file - A zip file with at least a shp and a dbf file.
  • ESRI Json - JSON as returned by ESRI ArcGIS Server (see ESRI doc of format). This makes it possible to connect to ArcGIS and import data from services it has published.
  • AutoCAD DXF file - For reading geometries from a DXF file. The following entity types are supported:
  • Points: POINT, TEXT, MTEXT
Character encodingstringdefault: For some formats (like ESRI Shape) the character encoding is not defined in the format. This gives a way to provide this information. For most formats this property is ignored. Uses the Java character encodings available.
Expected Geometry Typestringdefault:Auto
  • Auto - Tries to detect type automatically.
  • Point - Looks for Points in the specified file.
  • Line - Looks for Lines in the specified file.
  • Polygon - Looks for Polygons in the specified file.
CRSstringdefault:Auto CRS of the data to load. The data will be projected from this CRS to WGS84 (EPSG:4326) before being loaded into the app.

If set to Auto or if empty it will try to parse it from the file. If no CRS is found in the file, then EPSG:4326 (WGS84) is used.

Loaded table

Data that is already loaded from other sources may be used as as a dataset. For large datasets it is more efficient to load data through the Qlik GeoAnalytics Connector than first loading them and then sending them to GeoAnalytics.
Parameters for Loaded table
Table Namestring The name of the loaded table that contains the data.
Table Fieldsstring The name of the fields from the table to use, separated by comma. The first field should be the key field and the second the location (unless Geometry Type is None). If latitude and longitude are in separate columns place them in second and third column. If the key and the location are in the same column, repeat it as both first and second column.
Geometry Typedefault:POINT Type of geometry in the Geometry Field. Allowed values are 'Point', 'Line', 'Polygon', 'Latitude and Longitude Point', 'Location Named Point', 'Location Named Area' and 'None'. In case of named points or areas, the geometry is looked up in the location service and a column for the geometry is added. Also columns for country, type, administrative areas are added as in the Standard areas and Points dataset.
Only load distinctdefault:NO When YES, an extra step is added that filters out distinct rows before sending data to GeoAnalytics. This might improve performance when you have many identical rows. One typically example is log files where you have rows containing IP addresses, typically many rows with same IP. Setting YES on this option speeds up the query a lot.
Location ID Suffixstring For advanced user. The specified string is appended to all IDs. This is a convenient way to specify more information to server based location services such as country code or type. The alternative is to append the extra data when loading the table into Qlik. With the following suffix all items are specified to be cities in Sweden:
See Geometry Service Specification for more information on syntax to use.
CRSstringdefault:Auto CRS of the data to load. The data will be projected from this CRS to WGS84 (EPSG:4326) before being loaded into the app.

If set to Auto then EPSG:4326 (WGS84) is used.

Separated text file

Text files with table data, optionally with geometries. Instead of geometries also names of locations may be specified. All fields will be loaded as strings.
Parameters for Separated text file
URL The URL of the file containing the data. URLs with file-protocol are normally not allowed. In a local customer installation it may be allowed. When login is required for accessing the URL, user and password can be specified in the URL like this: http://username:password@hostname/.
Key Fieldstringdefault: The name of the field that contains identities for each geometry. If you leave the field empty a key field will be generated.
Geometry Fieldstringdefault: Name of the geometry field if any. As an alternative to a geometry a column with names of well known names of points or areas may be specified, "Geometry Type" below. If point data is in two fields then specify name of latitude field comma name of longitude field. Points are otherwise specified as "[longitude,latitude]". A line is an array of points like "[[longitude,latitude],[longitude,latitude],...]". A polygon is an array of closed lines or array of array of closed lines in case of multi-polygons.
Geometry Typedefault:POINT Type of geometry in the Geometry Field. Allowed values are Point, Line, Polygon, Location Named Point and Location Named Area. In case of named points or areas, the geometry is looked up in the location service and a column for the geometry is added. Also columns for country, type, administrative areas are added as in the Standard areas and Points dataset.
Location ID Suffixstring For advanced user. The specified string is appended to all IDs. This is a convenient way to specify more information to server based location services such as country code or type. The alternative is to append the extra data when loading the table into Qlik. With the following suffix all items are specified to be cities in Sweden:
See Geometry Service Specification for more information on syntax to use.
Column namesstringdefault: The names of the columns separated by comma. If blank, the first row is supposed to contain the header.
Field Separatorstringdefault:TAB Character that separates fields. In addition to ordinary characters the key words TAB, NEWLINE, COMMA and SEMICOLON are allowed.
Record Separatorstringdefault:NEWLINE Character that separates lines. In addition to ordinary characters the key words TAB, NEWLINE, COMMA and SEMICOLON are allowed.
Character Encodingstringdefault:UTF-8 Character set for the file. Same values allowed as in Java.
String Quotesstringdefault:DOUBLEQUOTE Character that may be used for quoting strings. Field and record separators inside the quotes will not be parsed as such. The quotes will be removed in the imported data. In addition to ordinary characters the key words QUOTE("), DOUBLEQUOTE(") and SINGLEQUOTE(') are allowed.
CRSstringdefault:Auto CRS of the data to load. The data will be projected from this CRS to WGS84 (EPSG:4326) before being loaded into the app.

If set to Auto then EPSG:4326 (WGS84) is used.

Standard areas and points

Points and areas that are available in a Qlik GeoAnalytics Server location service.
Parameters for Standard areas and points
Geometry kinddefault:Area Chose to access Points or Areas.
Type of datastringdefault:Country Type of data that the names represents such as countries, administrative areas, postal codes etc.
Country code(s)stringdefault: Country code (2 or 3 letters) for the country to access. Several countries may be specified, separated by comma. The default value means not restricted to a country.
Name of Servicedefault:default Name of a location services that is available at the server.

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