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GeoAnalytics Map

The GeoAnalytics Map chart provides a map background for Layer charts that might contain QlikView data. The layers are presented on top of the map chart and not in their own space on the sheet. It is the layers that uses dimensions and measures from the QlikView data, not the map chart.

Map Settings

At the top there is a link to documentation for GeoAnalytics for QlikView, including this document.
Parameters for Map Settings
Server URLdefault:https://maps.qlikcloud.com URL to Qlik GeoAnalytics server. When running a standard installation with maps hosted by Qlik, this need not be changed. It will use https if the page uses https otherwise http. You need to reload the app after changing this value.
Map IDrequired Id of this map. Use this value in layers to connect them to this map.
Base Mapdefault:Default The map background to use. Needs reload of app after changing this value
  • Default - the standard, OSM based map background, expects coordinates in WGS-84, displayed projection is Mercator
  • Default Adaptive - same as Default but displayed with the adaptive projection that does not exaggerate the areas close to the poles as much when zoomed out
  • Default server rendered - as default but server rendered, can be more efficient on some devices
  • Plain - a plain, OSM based map background, with pale colors and few details, expects coordinates in WGS-84, displayed projection is Mercator
  • Plain Adaptive - same as Plain but displayed with the adaptive projection that does not exaggerate the areas close to the poles as much when zoomed out
  • Empty (WGS-84) - no map background is displayed, expects coordinates in WGS-84, displayed projection is unprojected WGS-84
  • Empty (Mercator) - no map background is displayed, expects coordinates in WGS-84, displayed projection is Mercator
  • Empty (undefined meters) - no map background is displayed, expects coordinates in any user defined meter based coordinate system
Show Labelsdefault:checked When unchecked the labels in client rendered base maps are turned off.
Zoom to Selectiondefault:checked When checked, the maps zooms to the objects in the selection when the selection changes.

Interaction and Controls

Parameters for Interaction and Controls
Allow Panningdefault:checked When checked the map can be panned by dragging the map.
Allow Zoomingdefault:checked When checked the map can be zoomed by mouse wheel and pinch.
Zoom In Resolution Limitdefault:1.2 Zooming in stops at this resolution, defined in meters/pixel. Turn on "Show Debug Info" under Debug to see the current resolution. There are also limits in the different base maps that applies.
Zoom Out Resolution Limitdefault:80000 Zooming out stops at this resolution, defined in meters/pixel. Turn on "Show Debug Info" under Debug to see the current resolution. There are also limits in the different base maps that applies.
Select Typedefault:lasso Specifies how multi-select of values in the currently selectable layer is done.
  • none - multi-select disabled
  • box - select by dragging corners of a rectangle
  • circle - select by dragging from center and out in a circle, the distance is presented as the circle is dragged
  • lasso - select by drawing the perimeter of an area
Show Scale Bardefault:checked When checked the scale bar is displayed in the bottom left corner.
Show Layer Controldefault:unchecked When checked, a button is displayed in the upper right corner which opens a layer list where layers can be turned on or off.
Show Zoom Controlsdefault:unchecked When checked a zoom in and a zoom out button are available at the map.
Show Error Messagesdefault:checked When checked a small error symbol appears at the top of the map when there is an error or warning. Clicking the symbol displays the errors. The error list is cleared at every new selection.
Log Leveldefault:warning Here the amount of information that should be logged in the error window can be specified. May require a refresh.

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