Geodata Layer
A Geodata Layer displays background map data at an GeoAnalytics Map. It is statically visualized and not depending on the current selection. It is intended for custom background map data from external sources. Several kinds of map data can be accessed, like vector data, tiled raster or on-demand rendered raster, see "Source Format" below. Data can be in files on the internet of come from online services.
Note that the coordinate system of the external data must be the same as for the base map (default WGS-84).
Geodata Options
Property | Use | Description |
Source URL | required | URL to geodata in specified format. When a tiled service is selected as Source Format, the variables {level}, {x}, {y} can be used for selecting the correct tile. |
Source Format | default:GeoJSON |
The format of geodata. The currently supported formats are:
Styles | default:{"type":"polygon", "color":"white", "outline":"blue"},{"type":"line", "color":"green", "width":"1"},{"type":"symbol", "icon":{ "url" : "i://icons/images/dropgreen.png"}} | Describes how vector data should be visualized. The format used is the same as in the Qlik WebMap5, see Qlik WebMap5 API Documentation, FeatureLayer. This field is only visible when a vector based format is selected such as GeoJSON. |
Load Via Server | default:false | To avoid problems that the browser does not allow loading content from different hosts (CORS) this option can be checked. It will then load the file via the GeoAnalytics server which sets headers so that cross site loading is allowed. The GeoAnalytics server will just act as a proxy which adds the required headers. |
Geometry Attribute | default:the_geom | The name of the attribute that contains the geometry (without name space). This field is only visible when Source Format is GML/WFS. |
Reverse Coordinates | default:unchecked | Coordinates are expected in order latitude, longitude or Y, X. Check when coordinates comes in the other order. This field is only visible when Source Format is GML/WFS. |
WMS Version | default:1.3.0 | The version of the WMS format to use when contacting the server. This field is only visible when Source Format is WMS. |
Buffer | default:100 | Extra area in pixels to load to allow for some panning without a reload. This field is only visible when Source Format is WMS. |
CRS | default:EPSG:3857 | The coordinate reference system that the image should be defined in. Must be the same as the base map is presented in. Most base maps are presented in Mercator (EPSG:3857) and this need only be changed when a custom coordinate system is used with base maps "empty". This field is only visible when Source Format is WMS. |
Tile Size (pixels) | default:256 | Width and height of tiles in pixels. This field is only visible when Source Format is TMS. |
Tile Width (geographic) | default:40075016 | Width in geographic units of tiles in level 0 (most zoomed out, entire earth). Note that for most base maps the internal coordinate system is Mercator and the length unit is meters (even if the external coordinate system is WGS-84 with length unit degrees). This field is only visible when Source Format is TMS and Advanced Settings are enabled. |
Tile Height (geographic) | default:40075016 | Width in geographic units of tiles in level 0 (most zoomed out, entire earth). Note that for most base maps the internal coordinate system is Mercator and the length unit is meters (even if the external coordinate system is WGS-84 with length unit degrees). This field is only visible when Source Format is TMS and Advanced Settings are enabled. |
Origin X | default:-20037508 | The origin of tiles in left-right-direction in same length unit as for Tile Height. All tiles to the left of the origin have negative x. This field is only visible when Source Format is TMS and Advanced Settings are enabled. |
Origin Y | default:20037508 | The origin of tiles in up-down-direction. By default all tiles above of the origin have negative y but if {-y} is used in the URL the y axis is revered and all tiles below this value will have negative y. This field is only visible when Source Format is TMS and Advanced Settings are enabled. |
Layer Options
Property | Use | Description |
Map ID | default:<the most recent map of the sheet> | Specify this value when there is more than one map on a sheet to tell which map to display the layer on. See Map Id in Map Settings of the Map to get the right one. |
Maximum Number of Objects | default:1000 | To display more than a thousand object increase this value. There will be a warning if there are more objects to display. |
Calculation Condition | required | To limit when the layer is shown you can enter a caluclation condition as an expression. The layer is calculated/shown only when the expression is fulfilled. |
Calculation Condition Message | required | A custom error message that will be displayed in the layers legend if the calculation condition is not fulfilled. Only visible if a calculation condition has been entered. |
Zoom Limit | default:Min 0, Max 160000 | The layer will not be displayed when zoomed further in/out than these values. Check "Map.Debug.Show debug info" to see current resolution. The resolution is defined as meters per pixel, i.e. the number of meters each pixel covers. |
Include in Auto Zoom | default:Yes | Determines if the layer should be included when calculating area to zoom to when automatically zooming to selections. |
Disable when Inactive | default:Unchecked | We recommend using Calculation Condition instead of this option when possible since it gives better results. Checking this sets the dimension to a constant value while non-visible/disabled/inactive in order to decrease the amount of data transferred between Qliks Engine and the frontend. |
Draw Order | default:Auto | Defines how the layer should be drawn compared to other layers, which ones should be drawn on top of each other. |
Draw Order Category | default:<Layer specific> | The layers are by default drawn after the base map and the base map labels in the order Geodata Layers, Area Layers, Heatmap Layers, Line Layers, Bubble Layers. To make this layer draw in another category, adjust this value. This property is only visible when "Draw Order" is set to "Custom". |
Draw Order Adjustment | default:0 | Increasing this value makes the layer draw later, i.e. be more visible in the category. Allowed values are in the range -10 to 10. If you want the layer to be on top of other layers in the same category increase this value, if you want it to be overdrawn by other layers in the category decrease it. This property is only visible when "Draw Order" is set to "Custom". |
Property | Use | Description |
Show titles | default:Off | Display standard title. |
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