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Accessing Qlik Replicate from a remote computer

You can access Qlik Replicate from any computer in your network.

Accessing the Qlik Replicate Console

To access the Qlik Replicate Console from a remote computer, type the following address in the address bar of your Web browser:

Qlik Replicate Server on Windows:


Qlik Replicate Server on Linux:


Where <computer name> is the name or IP address of the computer where the Qlik Replicate Server is installed and <port> is the C UI Server port (3552 by default). For more information on the C UI Server component, see Qlik Replicate UI server configurations.

Information note

The person logged in to the computer where you are accessing the Console must be an authorized Qlik Replicate user. For more information, see User permissions.

Setting authentication methods

You can access the Replicate web console using either SSO (the default) or Form authentication.

Information note
  • All commands in this section should be "Run as administrator" from the Replicate bin directory. The default location is C:\Program Files\Attunity\Replicate\bin.

  • When the Replicate data folder is in a non-default location (such as in a cluster installation), make sure to include the --d data_folder parameter in all commands, where data_folder is the location of the data folder. The parameter should immediately follow the name of the Replicate executable file (for example, repuictl.exe --d f:\mydatafolder {command} {parameters})
  • Changes to the authentication method will take affect only after you restart the Replicate services.

Setting form authentication

As opposed to Single Sign-on through Windows Authentication (the default authentication method), this method requires users to provide a user name and password at login.

To set the authentication method to Form, run:

repuictl.exe configuration set --authentication_method form

Abbreviated parameter: -f

Setting Single Sign-on authentication

This is the default authentication method, which uses Windows authentication.

To set the authentication method to single sign-on, run:

repuictl.exe configuration set --authentication_method sso

Abbreviated form of --sso:-w

Viewing the current connection values URL

To see the current connection values:

  1. Open a command prompt as an administrator and change the working directory to the Replicate bin directory.
  2. Run the following command:

    repuictl configuration show

    The output will be similar to this:

    --address ""
    --http_port "80"
    --https_port "443"
    --root_url "attunityreplicate"
    --user_timeout "5"
    --domain "mydomain.com"
    --ad_default_container ""
    --authentication_method "SSO"
    --use_strict_same_site_cookie "False"
    Information noteAn empty address (--address "") means that the current computer name will be used.

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