Creating and managing webhooks for workflows
Webhooks are a simple way to automate communication between applications by sending event data automatically when certain actions occur. In Qlik Cloud, webhooks can trigger actions in other applications without manual intervention, making it easier to integrate Qlik Cloud into your workflows and automate tasks based on system events. Each time a defined event occurs, a JSON request is sent to the specified webhook endpoint, delivering the event data to your chosen application.
Understanding webhooks
How webhooks work
When an event happens in Qlik Cloud (for example, a new app is created or a user is deleted), a webhook sends information in JSON format to a specified external application using an HTTP callback. This external application can then use the event data to trigger further actions.
For example:
Notify your team through Slack when a new app is created.
Automatically send a welcome email when a new team member is added to a tenant.
Update a spreadsheet when a user is deleted from the tenant.
Benefits of using webhooks
Webhooks allow real-time integration with other systems, eliminating the need for constant manual checks or repetitive API requests. By listening for events and sending the relevant data immediately, webhooks reduce unnecessary work and enable smooth automation.
Popular platforms for webhook integrations
To handle and respond to webhook data, you can build custom services or use third-party platforms like:
Webhook limits
To maintain system performance and manage resources, the following limits apply:
Webhook delivery history is retained for 7 days.
Each user can own up to 150 webhooks.
A maximum of 100 webhooks can be created per tenant.
Webhook request structure
When a webhook is triggered by an event, it sends a JSON request to the specified endpoint. The structure of this request contains important details about the event, such as the event type, timestamp, and other metadata.
Webhook request example: App deleted event
Here’s an example of the JSON request sent when an app is deleted:
Request URL
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Qlik-Signature": "446bd5e3f5b635f491d17557e4bec6ebc61b7bd2bc9cc7b612e4e",
"User-Agent": "Qlik Webhook"
"cloudEventsVersion": "0.1",
"source": "com.qlik/engine",
"contentType": "application/json",
"eventId": "e65c1481-e8a-4be-a5ca-27dfcde077d7",
"eventTime": "2021-03-08T14:51:29Z",
"eventTypeVersion": "1.0.0",
"eventType": "",
"extensions": {
"ownerId": "vNRGrDZIypJzauw59BbpvkRhqbmI",
"tenantId": "oZcMPa_1PwH4FUdrh6839YHHdEJN",
"userId": "vNRGrDZIypJtcGTzauw59BbpqbmI"
"data": {
"attributes": {
"id": "0984fec4-aa8c-4253-b1d1-4fd4f9c78",
"name": "New App",
"createdDate": "2021-03-08T14:51:28.888Z",
"modifiedDate": "2021-03-08T14:51:29.316Z",
"owner": "auth0|b62a17c577a4abe6e807b07d18c4d82286352542d633d120100b03fb11",
"ownerId": "vNRGrDZIypJtcGTzauw59BbpvbmI",
"published": false,
"hasSectionAccess": false
This payload provides detailed information about the deleted app, such as its ID, name, owner, and deletion timestamp, helping the receiving system process the event. For more details on event payloads, see Qlik Developer Portal: API events.
Creating webhooks
Webhooks can be created by:
Tenant admins from the Administration activity center.
All users from the Qlik Application Automation interface.
For more information on using webhooks with Application Automation, see Working with webhooks.
Do the following:
In the Administration activity center, go to Webhooks.
Click Create new.
Enter a name for the webhook, and optionally, add a description.
For URL (endpoint), enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) where the webhook will send JSON data.
This URL must use the HTTPS protocol (example: IP addresses cannot be used as webhook endpoints.
Optionally, enter a secret for webhook authentication.
The secret must be between 32 and 64 characters.
If created, the secret will be included as part of a hash, appended to the HTTP request as a qlik-signature.
Optionally, add HTTP headers to append to the request.
Under Events, choose the system events that will trigger the webhook. Available events include:
App events: Created, deleted, exported, data updated (refreshed), published, reloaded.
User events: Created, deleted.
Click Create.
Managing webhooks
Sorting and searching webhooks
To sort and search webhooks in the table:
at the top a column to change the sort order.
at the top of a column to search for a webhook. The search filter works for full and partial matches.
Webhooks table.

Turning webhooks on or off
Do the following:
In the Administration activity center, go to Webhooks.
next to the webhook.
To turn on the webhook, select Enable webhook.
To turn off the webhook, select Disable webhook.
Newly created webhooks are enabled by default
Editing webhooks
Do the following:
In the Administration activity center, go to Webhooks.
For the webhook you want to edit, click
Select Edit.
Make your edits and click Save.
Deleting webhooks
Do the following:
In the Administration activity center, go to Webhooks.
Select the webhook to delete.
Click Delete.
Confirm the deletion.
Viewing webhook history
Webhook event history is retained for 7 days.
Do the following:
In the Administration activity center, go to Webhooks.
next to a webhook to expand its event history.
Webhook history.
To manually resend an event delivery, click
on the event row.
To view the event response payload, click
on the event row.
The payload shows details like app ID, name, and timestamp, which is useful for debugging or auditing past events.
Event response payload.