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Acumatica ERP 

Acumatica is a cloud based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform. You can use Acumatica as a data source when landing or replicating data.

Tip noteOut of the box, most entities in Acumatica are supported. If you need Acumatica data that is not formatted as an existing defined entity, you can create Generic Inquiries in Acumatica to pull together data from multiple tables formatted in a way that is useful. For more information, see Accessing Data in Generic Inquiries using Contract Based API’s .

Supported update methods

For more information, see An overview of target update methods.

  • Change data capture (CDC)

  • Reload and compare

  • Change data capture (CDC) using Change Tables

  • Full load

  • Change data capture (CDC)

  • Reload

Preparing for authentication

To access your Acumaticadata, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.

  1. On the System tab, click Integration and navigate to Configure > Connected Applications.

  2. In Client Name type the name of the registered application. Leave Client ID blank. It will be generated when you save your changes on the form.

  3. In OAuth 2.0 Flow , select Resource Owner Password Credentials.

  4. On the Secrets tab, do the following for each client secret you want to add:

    1. On the tab toolbar, click Add Shared Secret.

      The Add Shared Secret dialog opens.

    2. In Description, type the description of the shared secret.

    3. Copy and save the value that is displayed in Value. This is your client secret for authentication in Acumatica ERP.

      Information noteFor security reasons, the value of the secret is displayed only once, when you create the secret.
    4. Click OK to save the client secret and close the dialog.

  5. On the form toolbar, click Save.

    The client ID is now generated in Client ID. The client application should use this client ID along with the client secret for authentication to Acumatica.

Information noteMake sure that the account you use has read access to the tables you want to fetch.

Creating the connection

For more information, see Connecting to SaaS applications.

  1. Fill in the required connection properties.
  2. Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.

  3. Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.

  4. Click Create.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

Select a Data Movement gateway if required by your use case.

Information note

This field is not available with the Qlik Talend Cloud Starter subscription, as it does not support Data Movement gateway. If you have another subscription tier and do not want to use Data Movement gateway, select None.

For information on the benefits of Data Movement gateway and use cases that require it, see Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement.

Acumatica ERP instance URL

The URL of the Acumatica ERP instance for this connection.

Client ID

The Client ID that you generated when preparing for authentication.

For more information, see Acumatica ERP .

Client Secret

The Client secret that you generated when preparing for authentication.

For more information, see Acumatica ERP .

Username The user name of the Acumatica ERP user used to create the client ID and client secret.
Password The password of the Acumatica ERPuser used to create the client ID and client secret.
Tenant Name

A space-separated list of tenants that you want to query.

To retrieve a list of tenants:

  1. Log in to your Acumatica ERP instance as an administrator or a user with appropriate permissions.

  2. Go to Configuration by clicking on the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.

  3. Click Tenants in the left-hand menu.

Tenants displays a list of all the tenants configured in your Acumatica ERP instance.


Enter the version of your app. A version is given as a format example.

Example: 17.200.001.

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