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Sub..end sub

The sub..end sub control statement defines a subroutine which can be called upon from a call statement.


Sub name [ ( paramlist )] statements end sub


Arguments are copied into the subroutine and, if the corresponding actual parameter in the call statement is a variable name, copied back out again upon exiting the subroutine.

If a subroutine has more formal parameters than actual parameters passed by a call statement, the extra parameters will be initialized to NULL and can be used as local variables within the subroutine.


Argument Description
name The name of the subroutine.
paramlist A comma separated list of variable names for the formal parameters of the subroutine. These can be used as any variable inside the subroutine.
statements Any group of one or more Qlik Sense script statements.


  • Since the sub statement is a control statement and as such is ended with either a semicolon or end-of-line, each of its two clauses (sub and end sub) must not cross a line boundary.

  • When you define a subroutine with Sub..end sub inside a control statement, for example if..then, you can only call the subroutine from within the same control statement.

Example 1:  

Sub INCR (I,J)

I = I + 1

Exit Sub when I < 10

J = J + 1

End Sub

Call INCR (X,Y)

Example 2: - parameter transfer

Sub ParTrans (A,B,C)




End Sub




Call ParTrans (A, (X+1)*2)

The result of the above will be that locally, inside the subroutine, A will be initialized to 1, B will be initialized to 4 and C will be initialized to NULL.

When exiting the subroutine, the global variable A will get 2 as value (copied back from subroutine). The second actual parameter “(X+1)*2” will not be copied back since it is not a variable. Finally, the global variable C will not be affected by the subroutine call.

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