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Managing entities

You can add, edit and remove entities as described in the table below.

Information note

Reducing the window size also shortens the toolbar. If the toolbar is too short to contain all the buttons, the toolbar options will be displayed in the drop-down menu instead. The shorter the toolbar, the more options will appear in the drop-down menu.

To Do This

Add an entity

  1. Click the New Entity button in the Entities toolbar.
  2. Provide a name and description (optional) for the entity and then click OK.

Edit an entity

  1. Select the entity you want to edit and then select Edit from the drop-down menu in the Entities toolbar.
  2. Edit the entity’s name and description (optional) and then click OK.

Remove an entity

  1. Select the entity (or multiple entities) that you want to remove, and then select Delete from the drop-down menu in the Entities toolbar.
  2. When prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

Duplicate an entity

  1. Select the entity you want to duplicate and then select Duplicate from the drop-down menu in the Entities toolbar.
  2. Edit the entity’s name and description (optional) and then click OK.

    The duplicated entity is added to the Entities list.

Import entities from another project

See Importing entities and mappings from another project.

Include historical records

Select the check box in the Save History column to the right of the desired entity. Note that if you chose ODS +HDS as your data store, all of the Save History check boxes will be selected by default.

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