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Message Center purge settings

Enterprise Manager pulls error, warning, information, and notification messages from all managed Replicate Servers and stores them locally on the machine where Enterprise Manager is installed. The Enterprise Manager console then retrieves these messages from the local storage and displays them in the Message Center as described in Messages and notifications.

To avoid storage issues, you can specify the interval at which Enterprise Manager should purge messages from the Message Center and the maximum number of messages to be stored. By default, Enterprise Manager purges messages after 14 days and when the number of messages exceeds 200,000. Purged messages are no longer available for retrieval.

Information note

The message purge policy you define in Enterprise Manager does not affect any log purge policy of the monitored Replicate servers.

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner.

    The Settings window opens.

  2. In the Message Center tab, specify:

    • After how many days or weeks to purge messages. The default value is 14 days; the maximum value 91 days (13 weeks). You can enter any value between 1 and 91.
    • The maximum number of messages to be stored in Enterprise Manager. The default value is 200,000. The maximum value is 1,000,000; the minimum 100. You can enter any value between 100 and 1,000,000.

      Information note

      Enterprise Manager purges messages at 12:00 PM and 00:00 AM only. As such, it is possible that the number of actual messages may occasionally exceed the value specified in the Store no more than field.

  3. Click OK.

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