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Analytics - Data collection and purge settings

When working with the Analytics module, after configuring the connection settings to your repository, you then need to configure data collection and purge settings.

You can also change the log level and management settings if desired.

Defining data collection and purging settings

Information noteEach time you add a Replicate server to be monitored, you need to stop and start the collector as described below. For information about adding servers, see Adding Servers
  1. Select the Analytics tab.
  2. In the Collector properties section, optionally change the following information:

    Collector property fields
    Field Value

    Collect data every

    The number of minutes to wait between data collection operations.

    Store data up to

    The number of days to store data from the moment it is collected.

    If the repository is unavailable, store data in memory for up to

    The number of minutes of data that should be stored in memory if the Analytics repository is unavailable for any reason.

    Analyze database tables during data collection

    When selected (the default), the Collector process will analyze the tables in the Analytics repository during each run. If unchecked, the Collector process will not analyze the tables and the customer should ensure that statistics are being updated periodically.

    As the size of the database gets larger, it is less important to update statistics frequently and it may start to impact the performance of the Collector, so it is recommended to disable if you notice the Analytics dashboards being updated less frequently.

  3. Click Start Collector.

Stopping the collector

  • Click the Stop Collector button in the Collector properties section.

    Information note

    To resume data collection, click the Start Collector button.

Stopping and starting the purger

  • Click the Start Purger button. Data will be purged according to the value specified in the Store data up to field described above.

    To prevent data from being purged, click the Stop Purger button.

Setting logging levels

In the Logging Levels sub-tab, you can set the logging levels for the log files generated by the Analytics service. The level of information in the log files is determined by the logging level set in this tab. Analytics log files can be viewed in the Log Viewer as described in Viewing and downloading log files.

Information note

 Because the WebLog file grows quickly in size, it is recommended that you only set the logging level for the WebLog component to Trace or Verbose for short periods of time, such as when troubleshooting an issue.

The following logging levels are available, from the lowest to the highest:

  • Error: Include only error messages.
  • Warning: Include error and warning messages.
  • Info: Include error, warning, and info messages.
  • Trace: In addition to error, warning, and info messages, include debug data.
  • Verbose: In addition to error, warning, and info message, include detailed debug data.

Within the log file, the logging level is indicated by the initial letter: E for error, W for warning, and so on. The higher levels always include the messages from the lower levels. Therefore, if you select Error, only error messages are written to the log. However, if you select Info, informational messages, warnings, and error messages are included. Selecting Verbose writes all possible messages to the log.

You can set a global logging level for all log components or separate logging levels for each component. For example, you can define a logging level of Info for Message Center logs and a logging level of Warning for Replicate tasks.

  1. Move the top slider to the log level you want.

    This sets the log level for all components. Note that the sliders for all components move along to the same position.

  2. Optionally, modify the individual logging level for any component.
  3. Click OK.

Automatic rollover and cleanup

You can define when Enterprise Manager should roll over the Analytics log file and when to purge old log files. The current log file is called aemanalytics.log. Rolled over log files have a 12-digit timestamp appended to their name, such as aemanalytics_180407111842.log.

Automatic rollover is enabled by default. If needed, you can also perform rollover manually as described in Viewing and downloading log files.

  1. Select the Log File Management sub-tab.
  2. In the Settings window, in the Logging|Log File Management tab:

    • Select the Enable automatic rollover check box to have log files rolled over at the default size of 100 MB. By default, this check box is selected.
    • If you prefer a different cutoff size for rollover, select the check box Roll over the log if the log file is larger than (MB): and specify a different file size. When the log file reaches the specified size, the old log is saved with a timestamp appended to its name and a new log file is started. The maximum file size is 1024 MB.
    • Under Maximum number of newest log files to keep, specify the maximum number of log files to keep. By default, this is 45 files. The maximum number of files cannot exceed 100.Enterprise Manager keeps the newest log files and removes any files beyond the specified number.
  3. Click OK.

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