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Installing Replicate on a docker

You can install Replicate on a Docker. A sample script can be found under the ar_docker folder.

To create the ar_docker folder and extract the sample script to it, run the following commands on the Replicate machine as an Admin:

$ mkdir -p ar_docker/
$ rpm2cpio areplicate-yyyy.h.l-build.x86_64.rpm | cpio -iv --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames -D ar_docker/ ./opt/attunity/replicate/addons/samples/docker/*
$ mv ./ar_docker/opt/attunity/replicate/addons/samples/docker/* ./ar_docker
$ rm -rf ./ar_docker/opt
$ cd ar_docker
$ cp ../areplicate-yyyy.h.l-build.x86_64.rpm .
$ ./create-dockerfile.sh
If systemd is not supported on your docker container image then you must change the line in the file ar_docker/Dockerfile from:
RUN yum -y install /tmp/areplicate-*.rpm
RUN systemd=no yum -y install /tmp/areplicate-*.rpm
$ docker build --no-cache -t <image:name> .
$ docker run -d --name <name> --hostname  -e ReplicateRestPort=3552 -p 3552:3552 -v /dockermount/data/replicate/data:/replicate/data johnw/<image:name>
Information noteThe sample script might not contain the correct driver versions for your databases. Therefore, before running the script, make sure to update it with the supported drivers.

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