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Setting advanced connection properties

In the Advanced tab, you can set the following properties:

  • Load data using ZLOAD: Select to load data into the Replicate Net Changes table using the ZLOAD command. Replicate will then load the data from the Net Changes table into the target tables. This should improve performance when working in the Batch optimized apply change processing mode.

    • Max file size (MB): The maximum size (in MB) of each file to load using ZLOAD. The default value is 32 MB. If you encounter performance issues, try increasing or decreasing this value. The optimal value will depend on the number of files being uploaded in parallel as well as your specific environment.
    • High-level qualifier: Specify the high level qualifier which you want to be the first segment of the target dataset names.
    • Space allocation (MB): The amount of space to allocate for the target datasets.
  • Additional ODBC connection properties: Specify any additional ODBC connection parameters that you want to use.
  • ODBC driver: Should be IBM DB2 ODBC Driver.
  • Alternate schema: If no source schema exists and no target schema is defined in the task settings, the alternate schema will be used for the target data. It will be used for the Replicate Control tables if no target table schema or Control table schema are defined in the task settings. 

    Select either:

    • Current user schema to create (and/or update) the tables in the current user schema.


    • Explicit schema to create (and/or update) the tables in a specific schema. Then specify the Schema name.

      Information noteThis option is not supported with source endpoints that do not have schemas (for example, Salesforce and File).
  • Database name: By default, new tables will be created in the default z/OS database (DSNDB04). If DSNDB04 does not have sufficient space or if you simply want to use a different database for the task, specify the database name here.

    Information noteThis field cannot be empty. It must contain either DSNDB04 or your chosen database name.

Internal parameters

Internal parameters are parameters that are not exposed in the UI. You should only use them if instructed by Qlik Support.

To add internal Qlik Replicate parameters:

  1. Click the Internal Parameters link.

    The Internal Parameters dialog box opens.

  2. In the edit box, type the name of the parameter you need to add and then click it.
  3. The parameter is added to the table below the search box with its default value.
  4. Change the default value as required.
  5. To reset the parameter value to its default, click the "Restore default value" icon at the end of the row.

More options

These options are not exposed in the UI as they are only relevant to specific versions or environments. Consequently, do not set these options unless explicitly instructed to do so by Qlik Support or product documentation.

To set an option, simply copy the option into the Add feature name field and click Add. Then set the value or enable the option according to the instructions you received.

Settings summary

You can view a summary of your settings by clicking the Setting Summary link. This is useful if you need to send a summary of your settings to Qlik Support.

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