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Availability of the Qlik chatbot app in Microsoft Teams

The Qlik chatbot is available as an app in Microsoft Teams. This app allows Qlik Cloud users to interact with their analytics content using conversational analytics. The availability of the Qlik chatbot app in a Microsoft Teams workspace can depend on how the Microsoft 365 tenant is configured and administered.

The Qlik chatbot app is made available in a Microsoft Teams workspace when the Microsoft 365 tenant administrator approves and/or installs it. There are many different ways that organizations can configure their Microsoft 365 tenant, and these configurations affect how external apps are made available and who can access them.

For example, each user might have to add the Qlik chatbot app for their own account after it is installed or approved by their administrator. In other cases, the app might be automatically added for some or all users in the Microsoft 365 tenant. In other words, the way the Qlik app is added is dependent on the Microsoft 365 configuration. See Microsoft 365 documentation. Try a search such as enabling chatbot app.

After the Qlik chatbot app has been added to a user's environment and the additional requirements are completed, the user can begin interacting with the Qlik Cloud data in Microsoft Teams chats. For further information on setup, see the following resources:

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