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Ceil - script and chart function

Ceil() rounds up a number to the nearest multiple of the step shifted by the offset number.

Compare with the floor function, which rounds input numbers down.


Ceil(x[, step[, offset]])

Return data type: numeric


Argument Description
x Input number.
step Interval increment. The default value is 1.

Defines the base of the step interval. The default value is 0.

Examples and results:  

Examples and results
Examples Results

Ceil(2.4 )

Returns 3

In this example, the size of the step is 1 and the base of the step interval is 0.

The intervals are ...0 < x <=1, 1 < x <= 2, 2< x <=3, 3< x <=4...

Ceil(4.2 )

Returns 5

Ceil(3.88 ,0.1)

Returns 3.9

In this example, the size of the interval is 0.1 and the base of the interval is 0.

The intervals are ... 3.7 < x <= 3.8, 3.8 < x <= 3.9, 3.9 < x <= 4.0...

Ceil(3.88 ,5)

Returns 5

Ceil(1.1 ,1)

Returns 2

Ceil(1.1 ,1,0.5)

Returns 1.5

In this example, the size of the step is 1 and the offset is 0.5. It means that the base of the step interval is 0.5 and not 0.

The intervals are ...0.5 < x <=1.5, 1.5 < x <= 2.5, 2.5< x <=3.5, 3.5< x <=4.5...

Ceil(1.1 ,1,-0.01)

Returns 1.99

The intervals are ...-0.01< x <= 0.99, 0.99< x <= 1.99, 1.99 < x <=2.99...

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