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Relational functions

This is a group of functions that calculate properties of individual dimensional values in a chart, using already aggregated numbers.

The functions are relational in the sense that the function output depends not only on the value of the data point itself, but also on the value’s relation to other data points. For example, a rank cannot be calculated without a comparison with other dimensional values.

These functions can only be used in chart expressions. They cannot be used in the load script.

A dimension is needed in the chart, since this defines the other data points needed for the comparison. Consequently, a relational function is not meaningful in a dimensionless chart (for example, a KPI object).

Use the drop-down on each function to see a brief description and the syntax of each function. Click the function name in the syntax description for further details.

Ranking functions

Information noteSuppression of zero values is automatically disabled when these functions are used. NULL values are disregarded.

Clustering functions

Time series decomposition functions

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