Profile settings
On the Profile settings page in Qlik Cloud, you can manage settings for items such as alerts, subscriptions, spaces, and the Qlik Sense Mobile SaaS app.
Go to your profile settings by opening your user profile menu in Qlik Cloud and clicking Profile settings.
Profile settings in Qlik Cloud

You can set your preferred starting activity center, language, time zone, and regional settings for creating apps. You can also see the roles that are assigned to you.
To reset your password and configure multi-factor authentication, click Account settings, or access Profile settings from My Qlik.
Set when and how you want to be notified about changes in spaces, notes, alerts, automations, machine learning processes, data integration, and glossaries. Default notifications are global by default. You can also set custom notifications for specific items.
Default notifications has the following sections:
Spaces: Notifications when you are added or removed from a space or when your space permissions are updated. For more information, see Managing space notifications.
Apps: Tenant admins and analytics admins can receive notifications when app reloads fail. Any user can receive notifications if a scheduled reload for an app failed, stopped, or was disabled. You must own (be assigned to) the reload schedule to receive this notification. You can customize notifications for a single app by selecting on an individual app, then selecting Notifications. For more information, see Apps (Insights and Analytics).
Scripts: Notifications when reloads of a script failed or when a scheduled reload you own has failed, stopped, or was turned off. For more information, see Working with scripts in the catalog.
Notes: Notifications when you are invited to edit, or are mentioned in a note. For more information, see Notifications.
Alerts: Notification when an alert is triggered, an alert stopped or failed to evaluate, or you are added to an alert. For more information, see Customizing alert notifications.
Automations: Notification when an automation fails to run.
AutoML: Notifications for Qlik AutoML events. For more information, see Configuring notifications for Qlik AutoML.
Glossaries: Notifications when a glossary term is created, deleted, or updated. For more information, see Working with business glossaries.
Data tasks: Notifications for operation of data tasks in Qlik Talend Data Integration. For more information, see Setting notifications for changes in operation.
Data gateways: Notification for operation of data gateways. For more information, see Setting notifications for changes in operation.
Custom notifications
When you make changes to space-level notifications or item-specific notifications (for example, for an individual app or note), these settings override the default notification settings for that particular space or item. These changes are noted in the Custom notifications section of the Profile settings page. In this section, you can reset and make changes to specific notifications.
Notification delivery options
Select one or more options for how to be notified.
Web notifications: In the browser when you are using Qlik Cloud.
Push notifications: To your mobile if you have the Qlik Sense Mobile SaaS app installed. For more information, see Managing push notifications.
Email: Notifications are sent to the email address registered for the account.
Email digest: Selected notifications are gathered in a single email, which is sent daily to the email address registered for the account. You can set the starting time for your daily digest.
To temporarily stop the delivery of all your Push, Email, and Email digest notifications, click Pause notifications in the top right corner of the Profile settings page. Web notifications will still be sent during this time. These notifications will be paused until you resume them by clicking Resume notifications. You can resume these notifications on the Profile settings page, on the notification settings for a space, or in the notification settings for an individual resource (for example, a note). When you resume notifications, you will not receive notifications that you would have received while your notifications were paused.
Spaces: View lists of shared and managed spaces in the tenant. Actions available: view space details, delete space.
Qlik Sense Mobile: Manage the devices being used for Qlik Sense Mobile SaaS, or download the app. Managing push notifications
API keys: Generate new API keys.
Under Tools, you can download the following products that can be used with Qlik Cloud:
Qlik Sense Mobile SaaS app.
Qlik Sense Desktop: On-premises installation for analytics locally and offline. You can also authenticate your installation of Qlik Sense Desktop .
Qlik DataTransfer: Upload on-premises data to the cloud.
Qlik Lineage Connectors: Upload lineage and metadata from your on-premises BI tools and data sources to Qlik Cloud.
For an alternative way to download Qlik products, see Downloading tools and installation files.