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alt - script and chart function

The alt function returns the first of the parameters that has a valid number representation. If no such match is found, the last parameter will be returned. Any number of parameters can be used.


alt(expr1[ , expr2 , expr3 , ...] , else)


Argument Description
expr1 The first expression to check for a valid number representation.
expr2 The second expression to check for a valid number representation.
expr3 The third expression to check for a valid number representation.
else Value to return if none of the previous parameters has a valid number representation.

The alt function is often used with number or date interpretation functions. This way, Qlik Sense can test different date formats in a prioritized order. It can also be used to handle NULL values in numerical expressions.


Example Result

alt( date#( dat , 'YYYY/MM/DD' ),

date#( dat , 'MM/DD/YYYY' ),

date#( dat , 'MM/DD/YY' ),

'No valid date' )

This expression will test if the field date contains a date according to any of the three specified date formats. If so, it will return a dual value containing the original string and a valid number representation of a date. If no match is found, the text 'No valid date' will be returned (without any valid number representation).

alt(Sales,0) + alt(Margin,0)

This expression adds the fields Sales and Margin, replacing any missing value (NULL) with a 0.

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