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RangeXIRR - script and chart function

RangeXIRR() returns the internal rate of return (yearly) for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic. To calculate the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows, use the RangeIRR function.

Qlik's XIRR functionality (XIRR() and RangeXIRR() functions) uses the following equation, solving for the Rate value, to determine the correct XIRR value:

XNPV(Rate, pmt, date) = 0

The equation is solved using a simplified version of the Newton method.


RangeXIRR(value, date{, value, date})

Return data type: numeric

Argument Description
value A cash flow or a series of cash flows that correspond to a schedule of payments in dates. The series of values must contain at least one positive and one negative value.
date A payment date or a schedule of payment dates that corresponds to the cash flow payments.

When working with this function, the following limitations apply:

  • Text values, NULL values and missing values are disregarded.

  • All payments are discounted based on a 365-day year.

  • This function requires at least one valid negative and at least one valid positive payment (with corresponding valid dates). If these payments are not provided, a NULL value is returned.

The following topics might help you work with this function:

  • RangeXNPV - script and chart function: Use this function calculate the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.

  • XIRR - script function: The XIRR() function calculates the aggregated internal rate of return (yearly) for a schedule of cash flows (that is not necessarily periodic).

Information note

For information about recent updates to the underlying algorithm used by this function, see support article XIRR function Fix and Update.

Examples and results:  

Examples and results
Examples Results


Returns 0.1532

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