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The binary statement is used for loading the data from another Qlik Sense app or QlikView document, including section access data. Other elements of the app are not included, for example, sheets, stories, visualizations, master items or variables.

Information note

Loading scripts with binary statements is not supported. As scripts do not store the loaded data in the script, loading data from a script with a binary statement results in empty tables.

Only one binary statement is allowed in the script. The binary statement must be the first statement of the script, even before the SET statements usually located at the beginning of the script.


binary [[path] filename ]


Argument Description

The path to the file which should be a reference to a data connection to a file share. Not required if filename is an app ID in a space.


The name of the file, including the file extension .qvw or .qvf.

It can also be the ID of an app in a space in your tenant. Open an app to view the app ID in the URL.

If a file name or app ID is not supplied, the statement will load from the app itself. In other words, it will load from the app containing the binary statement.


You cannot upload QVW or QVF files to the /DataFiles folder. Instead, you can upload the file to a file share, for example AWS S3 or Google Drive, and then load the data from a data connection connected to the file share.

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