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The trace statement writes a string to the Script Execution Progress window and to the script log file, when used. It is very useful for debugging purposes. Using $-expansions of variables that are calculated prior to the trace statement, you can customize the message.


Trace string

Example 1:  

The following statement can be used right after the Load statement that loads the 'Main' table.

Trace Main table loaded;

This will display the text ‘Main table loaded’ in the script execution dialog and in the log file.

Example 2:  

The following statements can be used right after the Load statement that loads the 'Main' table.

Let MyMessage = NoOfRows('Main') & ' rows in Main table';

Trace $(MyMessage);

This will display a text showing the number of rows in the script execution dialog and in the log file, for example, ‘265,391 rows in Main table’ .

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