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Accessing the live data of a snapshot

From a snapshot (on a story slide) you can navigate to the sheet and visualization it originated from. By doing this you get access to the live data of the snapshot where you can make new selections to take your story in new directions.

Do the following:

  1. In storytelling view, navigate to a story slide with a snapshot.

  2. Right-click the snapshot.

    The snapshot's shortcut menu is opened.

  3. Select Go to source.

You are directed to the sheet where the snapshot originated from. And the visualization which the snapshot was taken of, is initially highlighted.

Warning noteA snapshot shows data according to the access rights of the user who takes the snapshot, and the snapshot can then be shared in a story. However, when users return to a visualization from a story to see the live data in the app, they are restricted by their own access rights.
Information noteIf the that the snapshot came from is no longer available, you are still directed to the originating sheet. If the whole sheet where the visualization was placed on is no longer available, you stay in storytelling view and get an error message stating Sheet is missing.
Tip noteYou can also access a snapshot's live data while playing the story.

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