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List functions

The list functions manipulate list data.


Counts the number of items in a list.

{$.getContacts} = [{name:"John Doe},{name:Jane Doe}]

{count:{$.getContacts}} = 2

Get keys

Returns a list of keys from key-value pairs in an object.

{$.contact} = {name:John Doe, email:jd@email.com}

{getkeys:$.contact} = [name,email]


Converts a list of items into a comma-separated string. You can change the delimiter as a parameter.

{$.contacts[*].name} = [John,Jane,Bill,Barb]

{implode:{$.contacts[*].name}} = John,Jane,Bill,Barb

With a linebreak as the delimiter:

{implode:{$.contacts[*].name}, "{linebreak}"} = John</br>Jane</br>Bill</br>Barb


Sorts a list ascending. For lists of object, add a parameter to sort the objects by key name. Use sortdecs to sort a list descending.

{$.contacts[*].name} = [John,Jane,Bill,Barb]

{sort:{$.contacts[*].name}} = [Barb,Bill,Jane,John]

With a key name as a parameter:



{sort:{$.contacts[*].name}, "id"} =

Information note

The algorithm applies a natural sort order, not an alphanumeric sort order. Change the algorithm as needed.

The sort order options

The sort order algorithm list for the sort function

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