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Math functions

Math functions apply mathematical operations to data.


Do addition.

{$.inputs.salesCanada} = 1000000

{$.inputs2.salesUSA} = 2000000

{add: {$.inputs.salesCanada}, $.inputs2.salesUSA} = 3000000


Do subtraction.

{$.inputs.salesCanada} = 1000000

{$.inputs2.salesUSA} = 2000000

{subtract: {$.inputs2.salesUSA}, $.inputs.salesCanada} = 1000000


Do multiplication.

{$.inputs.annualSales} = 100000

{$.inputs2.months} = 12

{multiply: {$.inputs.sales}, $.inputs2.months} = 14000


Do division.

{$.inputs.sales} = 1500000

{$.inputs2.months} = 12

{divide: {$.inputs.avgSalesDay}, $.inputs2.days} = 125000


Returns the rounded number of a decimal number. The default rounding removes all decimals. Optionally add a parameter to specify the rounding places.

{$.inputs.USDEUR} = 0.8416

{round: {$.inputs.USDEUR}} = 1

{round: {$.inputs.USDEUR}, 2} = 0.84


Returns the maximum value from a list.

{$.list[*].id} = [1,2,7,10]

{max:{$.list[*].id}} = 10


Returns the minimum value from a list.

{$.list[*].id} = [1,2,7,10]

{min:{$.list[*].id}} = 1


Returns the remainder of a division.

{$.inputs.num1} = 25

{$.inputs.num2} = 4

{mod: {$.inputs.num}, $.inputs2.num2} = 1

Random number

Generates a random number (integer). A parameter is required to specify the number of digits.

{randomnumber:2} = 14

Mod 10

Calculates a check digit according to Mod 10.

{modtendigit:25} = 7

Mod 11

Calculates a check digit according to Mod 11.

{modelevendigit:25} = 6

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