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Generating projects using the CLI

The instruction below explain how to automatically generate projects using the CLI. This can be especially useful when deploying projects between different environments.

Command syntax

ComposeCli.exe generate_project --project project_name [--database_already_adjusted] [--stopIfDatamartsNeedRecreation]


Parameter Description
--project The name of the project.
--database_already_adjusted This should only be included if the data warehouse and data marts were adjusted outside of Compose.
--stopIfDatamartsNeedRecreation Stops the process if any data marts cannot be automatically adjusted and need to be recreated.


ComposeCli.exe generate_project --project MyProject --stopIfDatamartsNeedRecreation

When the command is run, Compose will:

  • Validate the model.
  • Create any data warehouse tables that do not exist.
  • Validate the data warehouse.
  • Adjust the data warehouse if needed.

    If an Adjust script is needed and --database_already_adjusted is included in the command, the script (DDL) will not be run as it is assumed that the user ran it manually.

  • Generate all data warehouse tasks.

    If Compose encounters an error while generating a data warehouse task, it will skip the problematic task and continue with the remaining tasks.

  • Create, adjust and generate all data marts.

    If the "Adjust" cannot be performed automatically and --stopIfDatamartsNeedRecreation is included in the command, the process will stop.

Certain limitations apply when adjusting the data mart. For more information, see Auto-adjust limitations and considerations.

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