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Error handling

An error response has the following structure:




This section lists the generic messages that apply to most of the API functions. Errors that are specific to a particular API function appear in the section for that API function.

Error responses
Error Code Message Description

Unauthorized Request.

The user is not authorized to perform the requested action (for example, deleting a task).

INVALID_SESSION_ID The session has expired or the session ID is not valid. Session expired or invalid.


Failed to deserialize JSON to type {type}: {message}

Returned when the JSON format is invalid.

AEM_SERVER_NOT_FOUND The requested server {server} could not be found. The requested server cannot be found.
AEM_SERVER_NOT_MONITORED The requested server {server} is not monitored. The requested server is not being monitored and thus the information is not accessible.

The requested server "{server}" cannot be reached at this time.

Message: {message}

The desired information cannot be retrieved as the requested server is not connected.


The license for requested server {server} has expired. The requested server license has expired.


The license for requested server {server} is not valid.

The requested server license is not valid.


You need to register a Replication Management license in order to use Qlik Enterprise Manager. To register or obtain a license, open the Qlik Enterprise Manager console and follow the instructions.

Replication Management license was not found. Returned when a user is permitted to Register Qlik Enterprise Manager license.


An Enterprise Manager Admin needs to register a Replication Management license before you can use the product. To obtain a license, contact your Qlik Sales Representative with the Enterprise Manager machine name (which is displayed when you open the Enterprise Manager console).

Replication Management license was not found. Returned when a user is NOT permitted to Register Qlik Enterprise Manager license.


{Module} evaluation license has expired.

{Module} is one of the following:

  • Replication Management
  • Replication Analytics


{Module} license has expired.

{Module} is one of the following:

  • Replication Management
  • Replication Analytics


The {Module} license signature is invalid.

{Module} is one of the following:

  • Replication Management
  • Replication Analytics


The host name in the {Module} license does not match the Enterprise Manager machine name.

{Module} is one of the following:

  • Replication Management
  • Replication Analytics


The "{fieldName}" field is missing from the request.

When a mandatory field is missing from the request or appears empty

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