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Qlik Sense GeoOperations features

Qlik Sense GeoOperations is a toolbox of functions that enables geographic analysis in Qlik.

Here is a list of features, operations, and supported formats.


  • Available in the script language in Qlik Cloud Services and Qlik Sense Enterprise on Kubernetes with an add-on license.

  • Extracts spatial relations so that they can be handled by Qlik.
  • Load time lookups of locations (as an alternative to the presentation time lookups in the map chart).
  • Aggregation of points in clusters or bins.
  • Specify locations as:
    • Point, line, or area geometries in the same format as QlikGeoAnalytics and Qlik Sense
    • Latitude and longitude fields
    • Named points or areas
  • Load geographic data from a range of formats.
  • Use operations to data already loaded in Qlik.

Geometric operations

  • Closest – Finds N closest objects in a dataset closer than a specific distance from every object in another dataset. Uses and calculates either direct distances or distances along roads.
  • Intersects – Finds intersecting objects in two datasets. It also calculates how much areas intersect.
  • Dissolve – Creates custom areas, e.g. Region A = Zip 1, 2, 5. Region B = Zip 3, 4, 6.
  • Within – Creates relations between all entities in a table that are within areas specified in another table.
  • Simplify – Generalizes geometries so that they look better and are faster to use in more zoomed out scales. Most external data needs to be simplified before use.

Aggregating operations

  • Cluster – Groups points that are within a specified threshold distance. Useful for datasets containing a large number of points.
  • Binning – Another method of clustering that creates hexagonal or rectangular bins.

Route-based operations

  • Closest – Finds N closest objects in a dataset closer than a specific distance from every object in another dataset. Uses and calculates either direct distances or distances along roads.
  • Routes – Get routes and distances between origin points and destination points in a dataset.
  • TravelAreas – Get the areas reachable from origins in a dataset within a certain time or distance. Defaults to travel along roads, but direct distances can also be used.

Lookup operations

  • AddressPointLookup – Get the point of an address, i.e. forward geocoding. Requires separate Qlik GeoCoding license.
  • PointToAddressLookup – Get the address close to a point i.e. reverse geocoding. Requires separate Qlik GeoCoding license.
  • IpLookup – If you have IP addresses in your data, you can use them as geographic locations

Other operations

  • Load – Load data from all supported data sources (ex. shape-files, GeoJSON, etc…)

Data source formats

  • Loaded tables – Operates on tables loaded in Qlik
  • QlikGeoAnalytics Location database – Gives access to millions of points and areas such as countries, administrative areas, cities, postal codes
  • ESRI Shape file – Probably the most common geographic file format
  • ESRI JSON – For easy access to services in ArcGIS Server
  • GeoJSON – JSON based format for geographic data
  • Separated text files – Simple text files such as CSV

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