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TTest1_lower - script and chart function

TTest1_lower() returns the aggregated value for the lower end of the confidence interval for a series of values.

This function applies to one-sample student's t-tests.

If the function is used in the data load script, the values are iterated over a number of records as defined by a group by clause.

If the function is used in a chart expression, the values are iterated over the chart dimensions.


TTest1_lower (value [, sig])

Return data type: numeric


valueThe samples to be evaluated. If a field name for the sample values is not provided in the load script, the field will automatically be named Value.
sigThe two-tailed level of significance can be specified in sig. If omitted, sig is set to 0.025, resulting in a 95% confidence interval.


Text values, NULL values and missing values in the expression value will result in the function returning NULL.


TTest1_lower( Value )

TTest1_lower( Value, 0.005 )

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