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TTest1w_sterr - script and chart function

TTest1w_sterr() returns the aggregated student's t-test standard error of the mean difference for a series of values.

This function applies to one-sample student's t-tests where the input data series is given in weighted two-column format.

If the function is used in the data load script, the values are iterated over a number of records as defined by a group by clause.

If the function is used in a chart expression, the values are iterated over the chart dimensions.


TTest1w_sterr (weight, value) 

Return data type: numeric


valueThe samples to be evaluated. If a field name for the sample values is not provided in the load script, the field will automatically be named Value.
weightEach value in value can be counted one or more times according to a corresponding weight value in weight.


Text values, NULL values and missing values in the expression value will result in the function returning NULL.


TTest1w_sterr( Weight, Value )

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