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The put statement is used to set some numeric value in the hypercube.

Access to the columns can be done by labels. You can also access columns and rows by declaration order. See the examples below for more details.


put column(position)=value

Example 1:  

Access to the columns can be done by labels.

This example will set a value of 1 in the first position of the column labeled Sales.

Put Sales(1) = 1;

Example 2:  

You can access measure columns by declaration order using the #hc1.measure format for measures.

This example will set the value 1000 in the tenth position of the final sorted hypercube.

Put #hc1.measure.2(10) = 1000;

Example 3:  

You can access the dimension rows by declaration order using the #hc1.dimension format for dimensions.

This example puts the value of the constant Pi in the fifth row of the third declared dimension.

Put #hc1.dimension.3(5) = Pi();

Information noteIf there are no such dimensions or expressions, in value or labels, an error is returned indicating that the column was not found. If the index for the column is out of bounds, no error is displayed.

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