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Descriptions for number and time formats

In many interpretation and formatting functions it is possible to set the format for numbers and dates by using a format code. This topic describes the formats for the number, date, time, and timestamp functions. These formats apply both to script and chart functions.

Number formats

To denote a specific number of digits, use the symbol "0" for each digit.

To denote a possible digit to the left of the decimal point, use the symbol "#".

To mark the position of the thousands separator or the decimal separator, use the applicable thousands separator and the decimal separator.

The format code is used for defining the positions of the separators. It is not possible to set the separator in the format code. Use the DecimalSep and ThousandSep variables for this in the script.

It is possible to use the thousand separator to group digits by any number of positions, for example, a format string of "0000-0000-0000" (thousand separator="-") could be used to display a twelve-digit part number as "0012-4567-8912".

For more information, see DecimalSep and ThousandSep.


Example of number formats
Number format Description
# ##0

describes the number as an integer with a thousands separator. In this example " " is used as a thousands separator.


describes the number as an integer without a thousands separator.

0000 describes the number as an integer with at least four digits. For example, the number 123 will be shown as 0123.

describes the number with three decimals. In this example "." is used as a decimal separator.

Special number formats

Qlik Sense can interpret and format numbers in any radix between 2 and 36 including binary, octal and hexadecimal. It can also handle roman formats.

Special number formats
Format Description
Binary format

To indicate binary format the format code should start with (bin) or (BIN).

Octal format

To indicate octal format the format code should start with (oct) or (OCT).

Hexadecimal format

To indicate hexadecimal format the format code should start with (hex) or (HEX). If the capitalized version is used A-F will be used for formatting (for example 14FA). The non-capitalized version will result in formatting with a-f (for example 14fa). Interpretation will work for both variants regardless of the capitalization of the format code.

Decimal format

The use of (dec) or (DEC) to indicate decimal format is permitted but unnecessary.

Custom radix format

To indicate a format in any radix between 2 and 36 the format code should start with (rxx) or (Rxx) where xx is the two-digit number denoting the radix to be used. If the capitalized R is used letters in radices above 10 will be capitalized when Qlik Sense is formatting (for example 14FA). The non-capitalized r will result in formatting with non-capital letters (for example 14fa). Interpretation will work for both variants regardless of the capitalization of the format code. Note that (r02) is the equivalent of (bin), (R16) is the equivalent of (HEX), and so on.

Roman format

To indicate roman numbers the format code should start with (rom) or (ROM). If the capitalized version is used capital letters will be used for formatting (for example MMXVI). The non-capitalized version will result in formatting with lower cap letters (mmxvi). Interpretation will work for both variants regardless of the capitalization of the format code. Roman numbers are generalized with minus sign for negative numbers and 0 for zero. Decimals are ignored with roman formatting.


Examples of special number formats
Example Result

num(199, '(bin)')

returns 11000111

num(199, '(oct)')

returns 307

num(199, '(hex)')

returns c7

num(199, '(HEX)' )

returns C7

num(199, '(r02)' )

returns 11000111

num(199, '(r16)')

returns c7

num(199, '(R16)' )

returns C7

num(199, '(R36)')

returns 5J

num(199, '(rom)')

returns cxcix

num(199, '(ROM)' )

returns CXCIX


You can use the following symbols to format a date. Arbitrary separators can be used.

Symbols to format a date
Symbols Description

To describe the day, use the symbol "D" for each digit.


To describe the month number, use the symbol "M".

Use "M" or "MM" for one or two digits.

"MMM" denotes short month name in letters as defined by the operating system or by the override system variable MonthNames in the script.

"MMMM" denotes long month name in letters as defined by the operating system or by the override system variable LongMonthNames in the script.

For more information, see MonthNames and LongMonthNames.


To describe the year, use the symbol "Y" for each digit.


To describe the weekday, use the symbol "W".

"W" will return the number of the day (for example 0 for Monday) as a single digit.

"WW" will return the number with two digits (e.g. 02 for Wednesday).

"WWW" will show the short version of the weekday name (for example Mon) as defined by the operating system or by the override system variable DayNames in the script.

"WWWW" will show the long version of the weekday name (for example Monday) as defined by the operating system or by the override system variable LongDayNames in the script.

For more information, see DayNames and LongDayNames .

Examples: (with 31st March 2013 as example date)

Examples of date formats
Example Result
YY-MM-DD describes the date as 13-03-31.
YYYY-MM-DD describes the date as 2013-03-31.
YYYY-MMM-DD describes the date as 2013-Mar-31.
DD MMMM YYYY describes the date as 31 March 2013.
M/D/YY describes the date as 3/31/13.
W YY-MM-DD describes the date as 6 13-03-31.
WWW YY-MM-DD describes the date as Sat 13-03-31.
WWWW YY-MM-DD describes the date as Saturday 13-03-31.


You can use the following symbols to format a time. Arbitrary separators can be used.

Symbols to format a time
Symbols Description

To describe the hours, use the symbol "h" for each digit.


To describe the minutes, use the symbol "m" for each digit.


To describe the seconds, use the symbol "s" for each digit.

f To describe the fractions of a second, use the symbol "f" for each digit.

To describe the time in AM/PM format, use the symbol "tt" after the time.

Examples: (with 18.30 as example time):

Examples of time formats
Example Result
hh:mm describes the time as 18:30
hh.mm.ss.ff describes the time as
hh:mm:tt describes the time as 06:30:pm

Time stamps

The same notation as that of dates and times above is used in time stamps.

Examples: (with 31th March 2013 18.30 as example time stamp):

Examples of time stamp formats
Example Result
YY-MM-DD hh:mm describes the time stamp as 13-03-31 18:30.
M/D/Y hh.mm.ss.ffff describes the time stamp as 3/31/13

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