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The format defined replaces the long weekday names convention in the regional settings.
The following example of the LongDayNames function defines day names in full:
When modifying the variable, a semicolon ; is required to separate the individual values.
The LongDayNames function can be used in combination with the Date - script and chart function function which returns DayNames as field values.
Regional settings
Unless otherwise specified, the examples in this topic use the following date format: MM/DD/YYYY. The date format is specified in the SET DateFormat statement in your data load script. The default date formatting may be different in your system, due to your regional settings and other factors. You can change the formats in the examples below to suit your requirements. Or you can change the formats in your load script to match these examples. For more information, see Modifying regional settings for apps and scripts.
Default regional settings in apps are based on the user profile. These regional format settings are not related to the language displayed in the Qlik Cloud user interface. Qlik Cloud will be displayed in the same language as the browser you are using.
In the load script, to create a field called, dayname, the Date function is used with the date field as the first argument. The second argument in the function is the formatting WWWW.
Using this formatting converts the values from the first argument into the corresponding full day name that is set in the variable LongDayNames. In the results table, the field values of our created field dayname display this.
Example 2 – Change system variable
Open the Data load editor and add the load script below to a new tab.
The same dataset and scenario from the first example are used. However, at the start of the script, the LongDayNames definition is modified to use the days of the week in Spanish.
Load Script
SET LongDayNames='Lunes;Martes;Miércoles;Jueves;Viernes;Sábado;Domingo';
Date(date,'WWWW') as dayname,
Load the data and open a sheet. Create a new table and add these fields as dimensions:
Create this measure:
Results table
In the load script, the LongDayNames variable is modified to list the days of the week in Spanish.
Then, you create a field called, dayname, which is the Date function used with the date field as the first argument.
The second argument in the function is the formatting WWWW. By using this formatting Qlik Sense converts the values from the first argument into the corresponding full day name set in the variable LongDayNames.
In the results table, the field values of our created field dayname displays the days of the week written in Spanish and in full.
A variable in Qlik Sense is a container storing a static value or a calculation, for example a numeric or alphanumeric value.
The term dataset is sometimes synonymous with table. It can refer to the original source table, the table after undergoing transformations, or the fact and dimension tables in a data mart.
It can also refer to a logical table, where there are several instance tables and views:
Current data
History, which holds previous versions of the table
A field contains values, loaded from a data source. At a basic level, a field corresponds to a column in a table. Fields are used to create dimensions and measures in visualizations.
A measure is a calculation base on one ore more aggregations. For example, the sum of sales is a single aggregation, while the sum of sales divided by the count of customers is a measure based on two aggregations.
The load script is a sequence of statements that defines what data to load and how to link the different loaded tables. It can be generated with the Data manager, or with the Data load editor, where it also can be viewed and edited.