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Keyboard shortcuts in Data load editor and Script

There are a number of keyboard shortcuts you can use to work effectively and easily on load scripts in Data load editor or Editor in Script.

Keyboard shortcuts

Information noteKeyboard shortcuts are expressed assuming that you are working in Windows. For macOS use Cmd instead of Ctrl.
Keyboard shortcuts in the Data load editor
Shortcut Action
Ctrl+0,Ctrl+0 Generates sample data.
Alt+1 Shows the Output panel or hides it if it is visible.
Alt+2 Shows the Variables panel or hides it if it is visible, if the debug tool is on.
Alt+3 Shows the Breakpoints panel or hides it if it is visible, if the debug tool is on.
Alt+F5 Shows the debug tools or hides them if they are visible.
Alt+F6 Runs debugging if the debug tool is on.
Alt+F7 Proceeds to the next step in the debugger if the debug tool is on.
Alt+F8 Stops the debugger if the debug tool is on.
F9 Toggles insertion and removal of a debug breakpoint.
Alt+F10 Shows the right panel or hides it if it is visible.
Ctrl+C Copies the selected item to the clipboard.
Ctrl+F Shows the Find search entry field or hides it if is open.
Ctrl+H Opens online help in the context of the current selected function, while in the data load editor or the expression editor.
Ctrl+K Toggles insertion and removal of a code comment line.
Ctrl+P Prints the current view or active sheet/story
Ctrl+S Saves changes.
Ctrl+V Pastes the most-recently copied item from the clipboard.
Ctrl+X Cuts the selected item and copies it to the clipboard. When using the Google Chrome browser: if the cursor is put in front of a row in the data load editor or in the expression editor, without selecting anything, the entire row is cut.
Ctrl+Z Undo action. Repeat to undo earlier actions.
Alt+Insert Inserts a new section in the script.
Alt+PgUp Navigates to the previous section.
Alt+PgDn Navigates to the next section.
Ctrl+Shift+Enter/Return Reloads data.
Ctrl+Shift+Space Displays a tooltip. (Not supported in Qlik Sense Desktop)
Ctrl+Space Automatically completes with the auto-text string.
Enter/Return in search field Searches for the next instance of the search string.
Enter/Return in replace field Replaces the selected instance of the search string.
Esc in search or replace field Closes the Find search entry field.
Shift+Tab Outdents a line in the script.
Tab Indents a line in the script.

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