Example - Highly formatted table with sub-bands
In this example, we create a highly formatted table and use sub-bands to create different versions of this table, each with different filtering.
Refer to the example app sources here: Example materials - In-app reporting. Upload the app and data files into a space, and then reload the app. You are ready to complete the example.
Step 1: Create data bindings
Do the following:
Create a new PixelPerfect template.
Open the
Field List menu available from the right-side panel in the designer.
Field List menu in the PixelPerfect designer
Hover your cursor over Levels, and then click
Expand the Sales Tables sheet. Next to Yearly Regional Sales, click
You are brought back to the main menu in the
Field List. Hover your cursor over Levels again, and then click
Expand Fields. Click
next to OrderYear. The data binding is created.
Step 2: Create the banded structure
Do the following:
On the design surface, right-click anywhere within the Detail1 band and click Insert Band > DetailReport.
A new DetailReport band is inserted below Detail1.
Right-click the Detail2 band within the DetailReport band you just created. Click Insert Band > DetailReport.
A new DetailReport band is inserted and nested within the first DetailReport band you created.
Right-click the Detail3 band within the second DetailReport band you just created. Click Insert Band > GroupHeader.
The band is inserted above the Detail3 band.
Right-click the GroupHeader1 band you just created, and select Insert Sub-Band. The sub-band band is inserted within the parent GroupHeader1 band. Repeat this process two more times, so that there are three sub-bands nested within GroupHeader1.
Select the GroupHeader1 band. Move your cursor into the yellow vertical ruler, and position it at the top of the first sub-band. Click and drag so that the space above the first sub-band is much smaller.
Using the cursor to resize the space above the first sub-band
Step 3: Bind the content to the data sources
Do the following:
Select the outermost DetailReport band in the structure (DetailReport1).
Click the gear icon at the edge of the design surface.
Clicking the gear icon
In the menu, select the OrderYear level as the Data Member. This creates a separate table for each region in the app. However, we will be using sub-bands to only show three of the regions in the app.
Tip noteAlternatively, clickat the far right of the designer. Add the Data Member under Detail Report Tasks.
Next, select the DetailReport2 band, and again click the gear icon at the edge of the design surface.
In the menu, select the Yearly Regional Sales level as the Data Member. This binds the table structure to the chart's source data.
Open the
Field List menu, and expand Levels.
Within the Yearly Regional Sales level, drag the Region and Sales fields onto the Detail3 band that is located below the sub-bands.
Arrange the field items on the band so they resemble two adjacent rows in a table.
Tip noteTo align objects precisely with the grid, resize them manually until they are as close to grid lines as possible. Then, right-click each object and select Layout > Size to Grid. You can also open the
Properties menu and adjust their size values numerically under Layout > Size.
For more information, see Arranging content in your PixelPerfect report template.
We need to format the Sales values as currency figures. Click the Sales label, and then click the gear icon that appears next to it.
In the popout menu, click the ellipsis (three dots) menu under Text Format String.
The Format String Editor dialog opens. Choose Currency, and adjust the decimal points. Click OK.
Resize the Detail3 band, shrinking it so that it is only as small as the items in it.
Step 4: Add conditions to the sub-bands
We need to configure each of the sub-bands so that it only appears when a particular value in the Region level cycle is present.
Do the following:
Select SubBand1.
on the right side panel to expand the Expressions menu.
In the menu, click the three-dot icon next to Visible.
The Expression Editor opens.
In the Expression Editor, enter the following expression:
Iif( [OrderYear] == 2021, True, False )
Repeat this process for the other sub-bands, but add the following expressions for each:
Iif( [OrderYear] == 2022, True, False )
Iif( [OrderYear] == 2023, True, False )
Step 5: Add titles and column headers
Do the following:
Let's add a title for the level controlling the creation of separate tables. Open the
Field List menu, and expand Levels.
Expand the OrderYear level, and drag the OrderYear field within it onto the Detail2 band.
Customize font properties in the
Properties menu under Appearance > Font.
Resize the object as desired and then change the band size so that the objects take up the entire band height.
Next, let's add column headers for the sub-bands. From the toolbox on the left side of the designer, drag two
Label objects (one for Region, one for Sales) onto SubBand1.
Arrange the labels at the top of SubBand1, or as desired.
Double-click each label and insert your own custom fixed text. In this case, you can use the field names.
Customize font as desired. For example, you might want columns headers to stand out, so you could make them bold.
Copy the two labels and paste them onto SubBand2 and SubBand3.
Your template should look something like the following.
Report template for example with sub-bands

Click Save template, and then click Preview report. Download the report and open it.
Report preview