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Examples of how to use chi2-test functions in the data load script

The chi2-test functions are used to find values associated with chi squared statistical analysis. This section describes how to use the chi-squared distribution test functions available in Qlik Sense in the data load script. Please refer to the individual chi2-test script function topics for descriptions of syntax and arguments.

This example uses a table containing the number of students achieving a grade (A-F) for two groups of students (I and II).

Data table
Group A B C D E F
I 15 7 9 20 26 19
II 10 11 7 15 21 16

Loading the sample data

Do the following:

  1. Create a new app.
  2. In the data load editor, enter the following:

    // Sample_1 data is pre-aggregated... Note: make sure you set your DecimalSep='.' at the top of the script.


    LOAD * inline [















  3. Click run script to load data.

You have now loaded the sample data.

Loading the chi2-test function values

Now we will load the chi2-test values based on the sample data in a new table, grouped by Grp.

Do the following:

  1. In the data load editor, add the following at the end of the script:

    // Sample_1 data is pre-aggregated... Note: make sure you set your DecimalSep='.' at the top of the script.


    LOAD Grp,

    Chi2Test_chi2(Grp, Grade, Count) as chi2,

    Chi2Test_df(Grp, Grade, Count) as df,

    Chi2Test_p(Grp, Grade, Count) as p

    resident Sample_1 group by Grp;

  2. Click run script to load data.

You have now loaded the chi2-test values in a table named Chi2_table.


You can view the resulting chi2-test values in the data model viewer under Preview, they should look like this:

Grp chi2 df p
I 16.00 5 0.007
II 9.40 5 0.094

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