Window processor
Performs calculations on specific data ranges.
The Window processor allows you to aggregate and perform calculations using values from multiple rows grouped in a range, and produce a value for each row separately.
The Window processor requires one input flow and can generate only one output flow.
Properties configure in order to configure windows aggregations.
Property | Configuration |
Operation |
Fields |
Select the field or fields on which you want to apply the function. Tip noteIf you want to apply the same function to multiple fields at once, click the Open dialog icon to open a tree view that allows you to select multiple fields.
Output field name | Give a custom name to the output field. |
Property | Configuration |
Fields |
Select the field or fields by which to partition. Tip noteIf you want to select multiple fields at once, click the Open dialog icon to open a tree view that allows you to select multiple fields.
Property | Configuration |
Sort by |
Select a field from the incoming data to sort by. |
Sort order |
Property | Configuration |
Start |
End |
Number of rows (optional) |
If you select Preceding or Following, enter a number of rows to set the range of action of the function. |
To rename the processor or edit its description, click the Edit icon next to the processor name in the Properties panel.