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Sharing links to sheets

Create links to sheets in apps in the Insights and Analytics activity centers.

Sheet links are added to the same space as the app, but can be moved after creation. Sheet links use sheet thumbnails when displayed in activity centers.

You can manage and edit your links from your activity centers. For more information, see Adding links in the Analytics activity center.

Information noteIf you want your link to include selections, create a bookmark with the selections. Then share the bookmark, while selecting Save sheet location. For more information, see Sharing links to bookmarks. Then, add the URL as a link to the space. For more information, see Adding links in the Analytics activity center.
  1. Open the sheet to which you want to link.

  2. Click Navigation and select Create link to this sheet.

  3. After Link name, enter the name for the link.

  4. Click Create.

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