Sharing apps with users who are not space members
With fine-grained access control, you can share an app in a shared or managed space with users or user groups without making them members of the space. By selecting the app to be shared and the recipients of the app, you reduce administration and simplify management of the space. The selected users will only have access to the app that has been shared with them.

Sharing an app with non-space members
Space owners and users with Can manage role in the space can share apps from a shared or managed space. When you share an app, you also assign roles to the users to determine what they can do with the app. In a shared space you can only assign the role Can view. In a managed space, you can assign Can view, Can contribute, and Has restricted view. You cannot share apps from a personal space.
If your tenant administrator has enabled groups, you can share apps with groups of users. If a user has individual permissions and group permissions on an app, the highest permission level is applied. User groups are created in the identity provider.
Do the following:
In a shared or managed space, click
in the app to be shared and select Share.
Search for user name or email address of the user or user group.
Select permissions for the user.
Click Share.
You can also share apps with all users in your tenant.
Do the following:
In a shared or managed space, click
in the app to be shared and select Share.
Select permissions in the dropdown list next to Anyone at <your tenant name>.
Click Done.
Permission details
For a detailed description of what permissions different roles include in spaces and apps, respectively, see:
Managing permissions in shared spaces
Managing permissions in managed spaces
If the roles for app sharing don't match your needs, consider making the user a space member. There are more roles available for space members.
Managing shared app users in a space
You manage shared app users in the members section of the space. Shared app users are not space members, but have access to one or more apps in the space.
You can have access to an app in three different ways:
as a member of the space
as a user with whom the app has been shared
as part of a group with which the app has been shared
Normally, you don't want a user to have access to an app in several different ways, but the options offer flexibility and simplify management.
What a shared app user can do with an app is not solely determined by the role assigned when the app is shared. The user's entitlement (Professional or Analyzer) also affects the permissions, as does any previous space permissions that have been assigned to the user. It's always the highest app permission level that determines what an app user can do. If you share an app with a user and only assign Can view permission, they would still retain any higher app permission, for example, Can contribute. App permissions given when sharing an app never override any already existing higher-level permission.
A shared app user can open the space with the shared apps, but will only see the shared apps, not all apps in the space. The user can also view the space details, but not the members section.
Opening the members list
Do the following:
and select Analytics Services.
Open Catalog.
In the Spaces list, select the space you want to manage.
Click Space details and select Members.
The members list shows both space members and shared app users. Members are presented with a space icon, shared app users with an app icon. In the following image, you can see that Anna is a space member, but she also has two apps that have been shared with her. She has multiple roles, which are displayed when her profile is expanded (see image Anna's expanded profile).
Ali is a space member with Can manage permissions on the space and no shared apps. When a user has different permissions, the highest one is displayed.
Anna 2 is not a space member, and only has Can view access to "Demo App - Beginner's tutorial". She cannot open any other apps in the space.
Members list in a shared space

In Anna's expanded profile you can see that she is the space owner and as such she can share apps from this space with non-space members. Two apps have been shared with her, and even if the role assigned to her is only Can view, she can, as space owner, perform many more actions than open the apps and see content.
A shared app user can perform the same actions in the app as a member of the space with the corresponding permissions. The only exception is notes, which shared app users can only create in personal spaces.
Anna's expanded profile

Editing the members list
Space owners and users with Can manage permissions can edit the members list. In addition to the search, the filtering options by role and access make it easy to find users or groups for editing.
Actions that will impact shared app users
In the More actions menu (), you can make edits to shared app users.
In a shared space, you can add the user as a space member or remove the user's access to the app. You cannot edit the role Can view.
In a managed space, you can add the user as a space member or remove the user's access to the app. You can edit the roles, but the user must have at least one role.
For users who are both space members and have shared apps, you can remove them as space members but keep them as shared app users, or the other way around. You can also remove their access to only some of the shared apps.
A shared app will become inaccessible for users with whom the app has been shared when:
the app is deleted
the app is moved to another space
the app is duplicated and the original app deleted
Sharing limitations per space
The following limits exist per space for app sharing. If the limit is reached for individual users, consider making them a members of a user group or the space.
Max number of shares per app | 200 |
Max number of shares per user/user group | 200 |
Max number of shares per space | 200 |