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Adding data sources to knowledge bases

Add data sources to knowledge bases for use in assistants.

You can add a data source while creating a knowledge base. You can also add additional data sources after you create a knowledge base.

You must index files after you add them to a knowledge base. For more information, see Indexing knowledge base data sources.

Connecting to data sources with existing connections

  1. In Overview, click Add filesUse data connection.
  2. Select a connection and click Next.

  3. Select the files you want to use manually or by using dynamic rules.

  4. Click Select.

Adding existing files from the catalog

  1. In Overview, click Add files.
  2. In Add new files to knowledge base, click View existing files.

  3. Select your files and click Select.

Importing files

  1. In Overview, click Add files.
  2. In Add new files to knowledge base, click Browse and import files.

  3. Drag and drop your data files into the dialog.

    Alternatively, click Browse and navigate to your data files.

  4. Select a destination space for the files.

  5. Click Upload.

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