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daynumberofquarter - script and chart function

This function calculates the day number of the quarter in which a timestamp falls. This function is used when creating a Master Calendar.



Return data type: integer

Argument Description
timestamp The date or timestamp to evaluate.
start_month By specifying a start_month between 2 and 12 (1, if omitted), the beginning of the year may be moved forward to the first day of any month. For example, if you want to work with a fiscal year starting March 1, specify start_month = 3.

These examples use the date format DD/MM/YYYY. The date format is specified in the SET DateFormat statement at the top of your data load script. Change the format in the examples to suit your requirements.

Function examples
Example Result
DayNumberOfQuarter('12/09/2014') Returns 74, the day number of the current quarter.
DayNumberOfQuarter('12/09/2014',3) Returns 12, the day number of the current quarter.
In this case, the first quarter starts with March (because start_month is specified as 3). This means that the current quarter is the third quarter, which started on September 1.

Example 1 – January start of year (script)

Example 2 – February start of year (script)

Example 3 – January start of year (chart)

Example 4 – February start of year (chart)

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